Satoshi Hiai
Relation Extraction Using Multiple Pre-Training Models in Biomedical Domain
Satoshi Hiai
Kazutaka Shimada
Taiki Watanabe
Akiva Miura
Tomoya Iwakura
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)
The number of biomedical documents is increasing rapidly. Accordingly, a demand for extracting knowledge from large-scale biomedical texts is also increasing. BERT-based models are known for their high performance in various tasks. However, it is often computationally expensive. A high-end GPU environment is not available in many situations. To attain both high accuracy and fast extraction speed, we propose combinations of simpler pre-trained models. Our method outperforms the latest state-of-the-art model and BERT-based models on the GAD corpus. In addition, our method shows approximately three times faster extraction speed than the BERT-based models on the ChemProt corpus and reduces the memory size to one sixth of the BERT ones.