Seohyeong Jeong


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SCV: Light and Effective Multi-Vector Retrieval with Sequence Compressive Vectors
Cheoneum Park | Seohyeong Jeong | Minsang Kim | KyungTae Lim | Yong-Hun Lee
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Industry Track

Recent advances in language models (LMs) has driven progress in information retrieval (IR), effectively extracting semantically relevant information. However, they face challenges in balancing computational costs with deeper query-document interactions. To tackle this, we present two mechanisms: 1) a light and effective multi-vector retrieval with sequence compression vectors, dubbed SCV and 2) coarse-to-fine vector search. The strengths of SCV stems from its application of span compressive vectors for scoring. By employing a non-linear operation to examine every token in the document, we abstract these into a span-level representation. These vectors effectively reduce the document’s dimensional representation, enabling the model to engage comprehensively with tokens across the entire collection of documents, rather than the subset retrieved by Approximate Nearest Neighbor. Therefore, our framework performs a coarse single vector search during the inference stage and conducts a fine-grained multi-vector search end-to-end. This approach effectively reduces the cost required for search. We empirically show that SCV achieves the fastest latency compared to other state-of-the-art models and can obtain competitive performance on both in-domain and out-of-domain benchmark datasets.


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Task-specific Compression for Multi-task Language Models using Attribution-based Pruning
Nakyeong Yang | Yunah Jang | Hwanhee Lee | Seohyeong Jeong | Kyomin Jung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Multi-task language models show outstanding performance for various natural language understanding tasks with only a single model. However, these language models inevitably utilize an unnecessarily large number of model parameters, even when used only for a specific task. In this paper, we propose a novel training-free compression method for multi-task language models using pruning method. Specifically, we use an attribution method to determine which neurons are essential for performing a specific task. We task-specifically prune unimportant neurons and leave only task-specific parameters. Furthermore, we extend our method to be applicable in both low-resource and unsupervised settings. Since our compression method is training-free, it uses little computing resources and does not update the pre-trained parameters of language models, reducing storage space usage. Experimental results on the six widely-used datasets show that our proposed pruning method significantly outperforms baseline pruning methods. In addition, we demonstrate that our method preserves performance even in an unseen domain setting.