Shantanu Agarwal
Massively Multi-Lingual Event Understanding: Extraction, Visualization, and Search
Chris Jenkins
Shantanu Agarwal
Joel Barry
Steven Fincke
Elizabeth Boschee
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)
In this paper, we present ISI-Clear, a state-of-the-art, cross-lingual, zero-shot event extraction system and accompanying user interface for event visualization & search. Using only English training data, ISI-Clear makes global events available on-demand, processing user-supplied text in 100 languages ranging from Afrikaans to Yiddish. We provide multiple event-centric views of extracted events, including both a graphical representation and a document-level summary. We also integrate existing cross-lingual search algorithms with event extraction capabilities to provide cross-lingual event-centric search, allowing English-speaking users to search over events automatically extracted from a corpus of non-English documents, using either English natural language queries (e.g. “cholera outbreaks in Iran”) or structured queries (e.g. find all events of type Disease-Outbreak with agent “cholera” and location “Iran”).
End-to-End Learning of Flowchart Grounded Task-Oriented Dialogs
Dinesh Raghu
Shantanu Agarwal
Sachindra Joshi
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
We propose a novel problem within end-to-end learning of task oriented dialogs (TOD), in which the dialog system mimics a troubleshooting agent who helps a user by diagnosing their problem (e.g., car not starting). Such dialogs are grounded in domain-specific flowcharts, which the agent is supposed to follow during the conversation. Our task exposes novel technical challenges for neural TOD, such as grounding an utterance to the flowchart without explicit annotation, referring to additional manual pages when user asks a clarification question, and ability to follow unseen flowcharts at test time. We release a dataset (FLODIAL) consisting of 2,738 dialogs grounded on 12 different troubleshooting flowcharts. We also design a neural model, FLONET, which uses a retrieval-augmented generation architecture to train the dialog agent. Our experiments find that FLONET can do zero-shot transfer to unseen flowcharts, and sets a strong baseline for future research.
Fix data
- Mausam - 1
- Joel Barry 1
- Elizabeth Boschee 1
- Steven Fincke 1
- Chris Jenkins 1
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