Shao-Heng Chen
Detecting Grammatical Errors in the NTOU CGED System by Identifying Frequent Subsentences
Chuan-Jie Lin
Shao-Heng Chen
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications
The main goal of Chinese grammatical error diagnosis task is to detect word er-rors in the sentences written by Chinese-learning students. Our previous system would generate error-corrected sentences as candidates and their sentence likeli-hood were measured based on a large scale Chinese n-gram dataset. This year we further tried to identify long frequent-ly-seen subsentences and label them as correct in order to avoid propose too many error candidates. Two new methods for suggesting missing and selection er-rors were also tested.
Generating and Scoring Correction Candidates in Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis
Shao-Heng Chen
Yu-Lin Tsai
Chuan-Jie Lin
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications (NLPTEA2016)
Grammatical error diagnosis is an essential part in a language-learning tutoring system. Based on the data sets of Chinese grammar error detection tasks, we proposed a system which measures the likelihood of correction candidates generated by deleting or inserting characters or words, moving substrings to different positions, substituting prepositions with other prepositions, or substituting words with their synonyms or similar strings. Sentence likelihood is measured based on the frequencies of substrings from the space-removed version of Google n-grams. The evaluation on the training set shows that Missing-related and Selection-related candidate generation methods have promising performance. Our final system achieved a precision of 30.28% and a recall of 62.85% in the identification level evaluated on the test set.
NTOU Chinese Grammar Checker for CGED Shared Task
Chuan-Jie Lin
Shao-Heng Chen
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications