Subhra Jyoti Baroi
NITS-Hinglish-SentiMix at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text Using an Ensemble Model
Subhra Jyoti Baroi
Nivedita Singh
Ringki Das
Thoudam Doren Singh
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
Sentiment Analysis refers to the process of interpreting what a sentence emotes and classifying them as positive, negative, or neutral. The widespread popularity of social media has led to the generation of a lot of text data and specifically, in the Indian social media scenario, the code-mixed Hinglish text i.e, the words of Hindi language, written in the Roman script along with other English words is a common sight. The ability to effectively understand the sentiments in these texts is much needed. This paper proposes a system titled NITS-Hinglish to effectively carry out the sentiment analysis of such code-mixed Hinglish text. The system has fared well with a final F-Score of 0.617 on the test data.