Thin Dang Van
MMLabUIT at CoMeDiShared Task: Text Embedding Techniques versus Generation-Based NLI for Median Judgment Classification
Tai Duc Le
Thin Dang Van
Proceedings of Context and Meaning: Navigating Disagreements in NLP Annotation
This paper presents our approach in the COLING2025-CoMeDi task in 7 languages, focusing on sub-task 1: Median Judgment Classification with Ordinal Word-in-Context Judgments (OGWiC). Specifically, we need to determine the meaning relation of one word in two different contexts and classify the input into 4 labels. To address sub-task 1, we implement and investigate various solutions, including (1) Stacking, Averaged Embedding techniques with a multilingual BERT-based model; and (2) utilizing a Natural Language Inference approach instead of a regular classification process. All the experiments were conducted on the P100 GPU from the Kaggle platform. To enhance the context of input, we perform Improve Known Data Rate and Text Expansion in some languages. For model focusing purposes Custom Token was used in the data processing pipeline. Our best official results on the test set are 0.515, 0.518, and 0.524 in terms of Krippendorff’s α score on task 1. Our participation system achieved a Top 3 ranking in task 1. Besides the official result, our best approach also achieved 0.596 regarding Krippendorff’s α score on Task 1.
Sentiment Analysis in Code-Mixed Vietnamese-English Sentence-level Hotel Reviews
Thin Dang Van
Hao Duong Ngoc
Ngan Nguyen Luu-Thuy
Proceedings of the 36th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation