Ti-Tai Wang
University of Arizona at SemEval-2019 Task 12: Deep-Affix Named Entity Recognition of Geolocation Entities
Vikas Yadav
Egoitz Laparra
Ti-Tai Wang
Mihai Surdeanu
Steven Bethard
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
We present the Named Entity Recognition (NER) and disambiguation model used by the University of Arizona team (UArizona) for the SemEval 2019 task 12. We achieved fourth place on tasks 1 and 3. We implemented a deep-affix based LSTM-CRF NER model for task 1, which utilizes only character, word, pre- fix and suffix information for the identification of geolocation entities. Despite using just the training data provided by task organizers and not using any lexicon features, we achieved 78.85% strict micro F-score on task 1. We used the unsupervised population heuristics for task 3 and achieved 52.99% strict micro-F1 score in this task.