Tim Kreutz
CoNTACT: A Dutch COVID-19 Adapted BERT for Vaccine Hesitancy and Argumentation Detection
Jens Lemmens
Jens Van Nooten
Tim Kreutz
Walter Daelemans
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
We present CoNTACT: a Dutch language model adapted to the domain of COVID-19 tweets. The model was developed by continuing the pre-training phase of RobBERT (Delobelle et al., 2020) by using 2.8M Dutch COVID-19 related tweets posted in 2021. In order to test the performance of the model and compare it to RobBERT, the two models were tested on two tasks: (1) binary vaccine hesitancy detection and (2) detection of arguments for vaccine hesitancy. For both tasks, not only Twitter but also Facebook data was used to show cross-genre performance. In our experiments, CoNTACT showed statistically significant gains over RobBERT in all experiments for task 1. For task 2, we observed substantial improvements in virtually all classes in all experiments. An error analysis indicated that the domain adaptation yielded better representations of domain-specific terminology, causing CoNTACT to make more accurate classification decisions. For task 2, we observed substantial improvements in virtually all classes in all experiments. An error analysis indicated that the domain adaptation yielded better representations of domain-specific terminology, causing CoNTACT to make more accurate classification decisions.
Streaming Language-Specific Twitter Data with Optimal Keywords
Tim Kreutz
Walter Daelemans
Proceedings of the 12th Web as Corpus Workshop
The Twitter Streaming API has been used to create language-specific corpora with varying degrees of success. Selecting a filter of frequent yet distinct keywords for German resulted in a near-complete collection of German tweets. This method is promising as it keeps within Twitter endpoint limitations and could be applied to other languages besides German. But so far no research has compared methods for selecting optimal keywords for this task. This paper proposes a method for finding optimal key phrases based on a greedy solution to the maximum coverage problem. We generate candidate key phrases for the 50 most frequent languages on Twitter. Candidates are then iteratively selected based on a variety of scoring functions applied to their coverage of target tweets. Selecting candidates based on the scoring function that exponentiates the precision of a key phrase and weighs it by recall achieved the best results overall. Some target languages yield lower results than what could be expected from their prevalence on Twitter. Upon analyzing the errors, we find that these are languages that are very close to more prevalent languages. In these cases, key phrases that limit finding the competitive language are selected, and overall recall on the target language also decreases. We publish the resulting optimized lists for each language as a resource. The code to generate lists for other research objectives is also supplied.
Enhancing General Sentiment Lexicons for Domain-Specific Use
Tim Kreutz
Walter Daelemans
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Lexicon based methods for sentiment analysis rely on high quality polarity lexicons. In recent years, automatic methods for inducing lexicons have increased the viability of lexicon based methods for polarity classification. SentProp is a framework for inducing domain-specific polarities from word embeddings. We elaborate on SentProp by evaluating its use for enhancing DuOMan, a general-purpose lexicon, for use in the political domain. By adding only top sentiment bearing words from the vocabulary and applying small polarity shifts in the general-purpose lexicon, we increase accuracy in an in-domain classification task. The enhanced lexicon performs worse than the original lexicon in an out-domain task, showing that the words we added and the polarity shifts we applied are domain-specific and do not translate well to an out-domain setting.
Exploring Classifier Combinations for Language Variety Identification
Tim Kreutz
Walter Daelemans
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2018)
This paper describes CLiPS’s submissions for the Discriminating between Dutch and Flemish in Subtitles (DFS) shared task at VarDial 2018. We explore different ways to combine classifiers trained on different feature groups. Our best system uses two Linear SVM classifiers; one trained on lexical features (word n-grams) and one trained on syntactic features (PoS n-grams). The final prediction for a document to be in Flemish Dutch or Netherlandic Dutch is made by the classifier that outputs the highest probability for one of the two labels. This confidence vote approach outperforms a meta-classifier on the development data and on the test data.