Tim Tschampel
Combining Structured and Free-text Electronic Medical Record Data for Real-time Clinical Decision Support
Emilia Apostolova
Tony Wang
Tim Tschampel
Ioannis Koutroulis
Tom Velez
Proceedings of the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task
The goal of this work is to utilize Electronic Medical Record (EMR) data for real-time Clinical Decision Support (CDS). We present a deep learning approach to combining in real time available diagnosis codes (ICD codes) and free-text notes: Patient Context Vectors. Patient Context Vectors are created by averaging ICD code embeddings, and by predicting the same from free-text notes via a Convolutional Neural Network. The Patient Context Vectors were then simply appended to available structured data (vital signs and lab results) to build prediction models for a specific condition. Experiments on predicting ARDS, a rare and complex condition, demonstrate the utility of Patient Context Vectors as a means of summarizing the patient history and overall condition, and improve significantly the prediction model results.