Trung-Nghia Phung
The IOIT English ASR system for IWSLT 2016
Van Huy Nguyen
Trung-Nghia Phung
Tat Thang Vu
Chi Mai Luong
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation
This paper describes the speech recognition system of IOIT for IWSLT 2016. Four single DNN-based systems were developed to produce the 1st-pass lattices for the test sets using a baseline language model. The 2nd-pass lattices were further obtained by applying N-best list rescoring on topic adapted language models which were constructed from closed topic sentences by applying a text selection method. The final transcriptions of test sets were finally produced by combining the rescored results. On the 2013 evaluation set, we are able to reduce the word error rate of 1.62% absolute. On the 2014, provided as a development set, the word error rate of our transcription is 11.3%.