Van Bach Nguyen


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CEval: A Benchmark for Evaluating Counterfactual Text Generation
Van Bach Nguyen | Christin Seifert | Jörg Schlötterer
Proceedings of the 17th International Natural Language Generation Conference

Counterfactual text generation aims to minimally change a text, such that it is classified differently. Assessing progress in method development for counterfactual text generation is hindered by a non-uniform usage of data sets and metrics in related work. We propose CEval, a benchmark for comparing counterfactual text generation methods. CEval unifies counterfactual and text quality metrics, includes common counterfactual datasets with human annotations, standard baselines (MICE, GDBA, CREST) and the open-source language model LLAMA-2. Our experiments found no perfect method for generating counterfactual text. Methods that excel at counterfactual metrics often produce lower-quality text while LLMs with simple prompts generate high-quality text but struggle with counterfactual criteria. By making CEval available as an open-source Python library, we encourage the community to contribute additional methods and maintain consistent evaluation in future work.