Vasily Zhikov
BOS at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Word Sense Induction via Lexical Substitution for Lexical Semantic Change Detection
Nikolay Arefyev
Vasily Zhikov
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
SemEval-2020 Task 1 is devoted to detection of changes in word meaning over time. The first subtask raises a question if a particular word has acquired or lost any of its senses during the given time period. The second subtask requires estimating the change in frequencies of the word senses. We have submitted two solutions for both subtasks. The first solution performs word sense induction (WSI) first, then makes the decision based on the induced word senses. We extend the existing WSI method based on clustering of lexical substitutes generated with neural language models and adapt it to the task. The second solution exploits a well-known approach to semantic change detection, that includes building word2vec SGNS vectors, aligning them with Orthogonal Procrustes and calculating cosine distance between resulting vectors. While WSI-based solution performs better in Subtask 1, which requires binary decisions, the second solution outperforms it in Subtask 2 and obtains the 3rd best result in this subtask.