Vishrawas Gopalakrishnan
Time-Independent and Language-Independent Extraction of Multiword Expressions From Twitter
Nikhil Londhe
Rohini Srihari
Vishrawas Gopalakrishnan
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers
Multiword Expressions (MWEs) are crucial lexico-semantic units in any language. However, most work on MWEs has been focused on standard monolingual corpora. In this work, we examine MWE usage on Twitter - an inherently multilingual medium with an extremely short average text length that is often replete with grammatical errors. In this work we present a new graph based, language agnostic method for automatically extracting MWEs from tweets. We show how our method outperforms standard Association Measures. We also present a novel unsupervised evaluation technique to ascertain the accuracy of MWE extraction.