Vládia Pinheiro

Also published as: Vladia Pinheiro


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CaLQuest.PT: Towards the Collection and Evaluation of Natural Causal Ladder Questions in Portuguese for AI Agents
Uriel Anderson Lasheras | Vladia Pinheiro
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Models for Low-Resource Languages

Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly central to the development of generative AI across diverse fields. While some anticipate these models may mark a step toward artificial general intelligence, their ability to handle complex causal reasoning remains unproven. Causal reasoning, particularly at Pearl’s interventional and counterfactual levels, is essential for true general intelligence. In this work, we introduce CaLQuest.PT, a dataset of over 8,000 natural causal questions in Portuguese, collected from real human interactions. Built upon a novel three-axis taxonomy, CaLQuest.PT categorizes questions by causal intent, action requirements, and the level of causal reasoning needed (associational, interventional, or counterfactual). Our findings from evaluating CaLQuest.PT’s seed questions with GPT-4o reveal that this LLM face challenges in handling interventional and relation-seeking causal queries. These results suggest limitations in using GPT-4o for extending causal question annotations and highlight the need for improved LLM strategies in causal reasoning. CaLQuest.PT provides a foundation for advancing LLM capabilities in causal understanding, particularly for the Portuguese-speaking world.


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CLSJUR.BR - A Model for Abstractive Summarization of Legal Documents in Portuguese Language based on Contrastive Learning
Alex Aguiar Lins | Cecilia Silvestre Carvalho | Francisco Das Chagas Jucá Bomfim | Daniel de Carvalho Bentes | Vládia Pinheiro
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese - Vol. 1


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Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology
Gustavo Henrique Paetzold | Vládia Pinheiro
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology

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Análise de Medidas de Similaridade Semântica na Tarefa de Reconhecimento de Implicação Textual (Analysis of Semantic Similarity Measures in the Recognition of Textual Entailment Task)[In Portuguese]
David Feitosa | Vládia Pinheiro
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology

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FrameFOR – Uma Base de Conhecimento de Frames Semânticos para Perícias de Informática (FrameFOR - a Knowledge Base of Semantic Frames for Digital Forensics)[In Portuguese]
Ravi Barreira | Vládia Pinheiro | Vasco Furtado
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology


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RePort - Um Sistema de Extração de Informações Aberta para Língua Portuguesa (Report - An Open Information Extraction System for Portuguese Language)
Victor Pereira | Vládia Pinheiro
Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology


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Aquisição de Conhecimento de Senso Comum e Inferencialista (Acquisition of Common Sense and Inferentialist Knowledge [in Portuguese]
Vládia Pinheiro | Vasco Furtado | Tarcísio Pequeno | Wellington Franco
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology