Wen Hua


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VaeDiff-DocRE: End-to-end Data Augmentation Framework for Document-level Relation Extraction
Khai Phan Tran | Wen Hua | Xue Li
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Document-level Relation Extraction (DocRE) aims to identify relationships between entity pairs within a document. However, most existing methods assume a uniform label distribution, resulting in suboptimal performance on real-world, imbalanced datasets. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel data augmentation approach using generative models to enhance data from the embedding space. Our method leverages the Variational Autoencoder (VAE) architecture to capture all relation-wise distributions formed by entity pair representations and augment data for underrepresented relations. To better capture the multi-label nature of DocRE, we parameterize the VAE’s latent space with a Diffusion Model. Additionally, we introduce a hierarchical training framework to integrate the proposed VAE-based augmentation module into DocRE systems. Experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art models, effectively addressing the long-tail distribution problem in DocRE. Our code is released at: https://github.com/khaitran22/VaeDiff-DocRE


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Guiding Neural Entity Alignment with Compatibility
Bing Liu | Harrisen Scells | Wen Hua | Guido Zuccon | Genghong Zhao | Xia Zhang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Entity Alignment (EA) aims to find equivalent entities between two Knowledge Graphs (KGs). While numerous neural EA models have been devised, they are mainly learned using labelled data only. In this work, we argue that different entities within one KG should have compatible counterparts in the other KG due to the potential dependencies among the entities. Making compatible predictions thus should be one of the goals of training an EA model along with fitting the labelled data: this aspect however is neglected in current methods. To power neural EA models with compatibility, we devise a training framework by addressing three problems: (1) how to measure the compatibility of an EA model; (2) how to inject the property of being compatible into an EA model; (3) how to optimise parameters of the compatibility model. Extensive experiments on widely-used datasets demonstrate the advantages of integrating compatibility within EA models. In fact, state-of-the-art neural EA models trained within our framework using just 5% of the labelled data can achieve comparable effectiveness with supervised training using 20% of the labelled data.


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ActiveEA: Active Learning for Neural Entity Alignment
Bing Liu | Harrisen Scells | Guido Zuccon | Wen Hua | Genghong Zhao
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Entity Alignment (EA) aims to match equivalent entities across different Knowledge Graphs (KGs) and is an essential step of KG fusion. Current mainstream methods – neural EA models – rely on training with seed alignment, i.e., a set of pre-aligned entity pairs which are very costly to annotate. In this paper, we devise a novel Active Learning (AL) framework for neural EA, aiming to create highly informative seed alignment to obtain more effective EA models with less annotation cost. Our framework tackles two main challenges encountered when applying AL to EA: (1) How to exploit dependencies between entities within the AL strategy. Most AL strategies assume that the data instances to sample are independent and identically distributed. However, entities in KGs are related. To address this challenge, we propose a structure-aware uncertainty sampling strategy that can measure the uncertainty of each entity as well as its impact on its neighbour entities in the KG. (2) How to recognise entities that appear in one KG but not in the other KG (i.e., bachelors). Identifying bachelors would likely save annotation budget. To address this challenge, we devise a bachelor recognizer paying attention to alleviate the effect of sampling bias. Empirical results show that our proposed AL strategy can significantly improve sampling quality with good generality across different datasets, EA models and amount of bachelors.