Wenjie Zhong
Who Said What: Formalization and Benchmarks for the Task of Quote Attribution
Wenjie Zhong
Jason Naradowsky
Hiroya Takamura
Ichiro Kobayashi
Yusuke Miyao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
The task of quote attribution seeks to pair textual utterances with the name of their speakers. Despite continuing research efforts on the task, models are rarely evaluated systematically against previous models in comparable settings on the same datasets. This has resulted in a poor understanding of the relative strengths and weaknesses of various approaches. In this work we formalize the task of quote attribution, and in doing so, establish a basis of comparison across existing models. We present an exhaustive benchmark of known models, including natural extensions to larger LLM base models, on all available datasets in both English and Chinese. Our benchmarking results reveal that the CEQA model attains state-of-the-art performance among all supervised methods, and ChatGPT, operating in a four-shot setting, demonstrates performance on par with or surpassing that of supervised methods on some datasets. Detailed error analysis identify several key factors contributing to prediction errors.
Fiction-Writing Mode: An Effective Control for Human-Machine Collaborative Writing
Wenjie Zhong
Jason Naradowsky
Hiroya Takamura
Ichiro Kobayashi
Yusuke Miyao
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
We explore the idea of incorporating concepts from writing skills curricula into human-machine collaborative writing scenarios, focusing on adding writing modes as a control for text generation models. Using crowd-sourced workers, we annotate a corpus of narrative text paragraphs with writing mode labels. Classifiers trained on this data achieve an average accuracy of ~87% on held-out data. We fine-tune a set of large language models to condition on writing mode labels, and show that the generated text is recognized as belonging to the specified mode with high accuracy. To study the ability of writing modes to provide fine-grained control over generated text, we devise a novel turn-based text reconstruction game to evaluate the difference between the generated text and the author’s intention. We show that authors prefer text suggestions made by writing mode-controlled models on average 61.1% of the time, with satisfaction scores 0.5 higher on a 5-point ordinal scale. When evaluated by humans, stories generated via collaboration with writing mode-controlled models achieve high similarity with the professionally written target story. We conclude by identifying the most common mistakes found in the generated stories.
Leveraging Partial Dependency Trees to Control Image Captions
Wenjie Zhong
Yusuke Miyao
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research
Controlling the generation of image captions attracts lots of attention recently. In this paper, we propose a framework leveraging partial syntactic dependency trees as control signals to make image captions include specified words and their syntactic structures. To achieve this purpose, we propose a Syntactic Dependency Structure Aware Model (SDSAM), which explicitly learns to generate the syntactic structures of image captions to include given partial dependency trees. In addition, we come up with a metric to evaluate how many specified words and their syntactic dependencies are included in generated captions. We carry out experiments on two standard datasets: Microsoft COCO and Flickr30k. Empirical results show that image captions generated by our model are effectively controlled in terms of specified words and their syntactic structures. The code is available on GitHub.