William B. Estes
Concerning the role of sub-grammars in machine translation
Joyce M. Brady
William B. Estes
Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the Association for Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics
The comprehensive grammars being developed at the Linguistics Research Center of the University of Texas will be too large for easy access and manipulation in either experimental programs or practical translation. It is necessary, therefore, to devise some reliable method for selecting subsets of the grammar rules which will be reasonably adequate for a given purpose. Since the majority of the rules are dictionary rules, this problem is closely related both to the problem of constructing microglossaries and to the subsequent problem of choosing a particular microglossary suitable to a given text. Our current approach to this problem entails the construction of key word lists in the first stage of analysis which guide the computer in its choice of a previously constructed microglossary. Work to date indicates adaptations of this technique may not only contribute to the solution of storage and access problems but also facilitate analysis and simplify problems of semantic resolution.