Wing Yan Li


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Evaluating Multilingual Language Models for Cross-Lingual ESG Issue Identification
Wing Yan Li | Emmanuele Chersoni | Cindy Sing Bik Ngai
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the 7th Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing, the 5th Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Data in Financial Services, and the 4th Workshop on Economics and Natural Language Processing

The automation of information extraction from ESG reports has recently become a topic of increasing interest in the Natural Language Processing community. While such information is highly relevant for socially responsible investments, identifying the specific issues discussed in a corporate social responsibility report is one of the first steps in an information extraction pipeline. In this paper, we evaluate methods for tackling the Multilingual Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Issue Identification Task. Our experiments use existing datasets in English, French and Chinese with a unified label set. Leveraging multilingual language models, we compare two approaches that are commonly adopted for the given task: off-the-shelf and fine-tuning. We show that fine-tuning models end-to-end is more robust than off-the-shelf methods. Additionally, translating text into the same language has negligible performance benefits.


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MuSeCLIR: A Multiple Senses and Cross-lingual Information Retrieval Dataset
Wing Yan Li | Julie Weeds | David Weir
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

This paper addresses a deficiency in existing cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) datasets and provides a robust evaluation of CLIR systems’ disambiguation ability. CLIR is commonly tackled by combining translation and traditional IR. Due to translation ambiguity, the problem of ambiguity is worse in CLIR than in monolingual IR. But existing auto-generated CLIR datasets are dominated by searches for named entity mentions, which does not provide a good measure for disambiguation performance, as named entity mentions can often be transliterated across languages and tend not to have multiple translations. Therefore, we introduce a new evaluation dataset (MuSeCLIR) to address this inadequacy. The dataset focusses on polysemous common nouns with multiple possible translations. MuSeCLIR is constructed from multilingual Wikipedia and supports searches on documents written in European (French, German, Italian) and Asian (Chinese, Japanese) languages. We provide baseline statistical and neural model results on MuSeCLIR which show that MuSeCLIR has a higher requirement on the ability of systems to disambiguate query terms.