Xi Li


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Incorporating Review-missing Interactions for Generative Explainable Recommendation
Xi Li | Xiaohe Bo | Chen Ma | Xu Chen
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Explainable recommendation has attracted much attention from the academic and industry communities. Traditional models usually leverage user reviews as ground truths for model training, and the interactions without reviews are totally ignored. However, in practice, a large amount of users may not leave reviews after purchasing items. In this paper, we argue that the interactions without reviews may also contain comprehensive user preferences, and incorporating them to build explainable recommender model may further improve the explanation quality. To follow such intuition, we first leverage generative models to predict the missing reviews, and then train the recommender model based on all the predicted and original reviews. In specific, since the reviews are discrete tokens, we regard the review generation process as a reinforcement learning problem, where each token is an action at one step. We hope that the generated reviews are indistinguishable with the real ones. Thus, we introduce an discriminator as a reward model to evaluate the quality of the generated reviews. At last, to smooth the review generation process, we introduce a self-paced learning strategy to first generate shorter reviews and then predict the longer ones. We conduct extensive experiments on three publicly available datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.


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Enhancing Text-to-SQL Capabilities of Large Language Models through Tailored Promptings
Zhao Tan | Xiping Liu | Qing Shu | Xi Li | Changxuan Wan | Dexi Liu | Qizhi Wan | Guoqiong Liao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Large language models (LLMs) with prompting have achieved encouraging results on many natural language processing (NLP) tasks based on task-tailored promptings. Text-to-SQL is a critical task that generates SQL queries from natural language questions. However, prompting on LLMs haven’t show superior performance on Text-to-SQL task due to the absence of tailored promptings. In this work, we propose three promptings specifically designed for Text-to-SQL: SL-prompt, CC-prompt, and SL+CC prompt. SL-prompt is designed to guide LLMs to identify relevant tables; CC-prompt directs LLMs to generate SQL clause by clause; and SL+CC prompt is proposed to combine the strengths of these above promptings. The three prompting strategies makes three solutions for Text-to-SQL. Then, another prompting strategy, the RS-prompt is proposed to direct LLMs to select the best answer from the results of the solutions. We conducted extensive experiments, and experimental results show that our method achieved an execution accuracy of 86.2% and a test-suite accuracy of 76.9%, which is 1.1%, and 2.7% higher than the current state-of-the-art Text-to-SQL methods, respectively. The results confirmed that the proposed promptings enhanced the capabilities of LLMs on Text-to-SQL. Experimental results also show that the granularity of schema linking and the order of clause generation have great impact on the performance, which are considered little in previous research.


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Contextualized End-to-End Neural Entity Linking
Haotian Chen | Xi Li | Andrej Zukov Gregoric | Sahil Wadhwa
Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing

We propose an entity linking (EL) model that jointly learns mention detection (MD) and entity disambiguation (ED). Our model applies task-specific heads on top of shared BERT contextualized embeddings. We achieve state-of-the-art results across a standard EL dataset using our model; we also study our model’s performance under the setting when hand-crafted entity candidate sets are not available and find that the model performs well under such a setting too.