Yair Neuman


Personality Research for NLP
Yair Neuman
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Tutorial Abstracts

“Personality” is a psychological concept describing the individual's characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. In the context of Big Data and granular analytics, it is highly important to measure the individual's personality dimensions as these may be used for various practical applications. However, personality has been traditionally studied by questionnaires and other forms of low tech methodologies. The availability of textual data and the development of powerful NLP technologies, invite the challenge of automatically measuring personality dimensions for various applications from granular analytics of customers to the forensic identification of potential offenders. While there are emerging attempts to address this challenge, these attempts almost exclusively focus on one theoretical model of personality and on classification tasks limited when tagged data are not available.The major aim of the tutorial is to provide NLP researchers with an introduction to personality theories that may empower their scope of research. In addition, two secondary aims are to survey some recent directions in computational personality and to point to future directions in which the field may be developed (e.g. Textual Entailment for Personality Analytics).


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Literal and Metaphorical Sense Identification through Concrete and Abstract Context
Peter Turney | Yair Neuman | Dan Assaf | Yohai Cohen
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing