Yan Xiang

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融合汉越关联关系的多语言事件观点对象识别方法(A Multilingual Event Opinion Target Recognition Method Incorporating Chinese and Vietnamese Association Relations)
Gege Li (李格格) | Junjun Guo (郭军军) | Zhengtao Xu (余正涛) | Yan Xiang (相艳)
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics



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基于图文细粒度对齐语义引导的多模态神经机器翻译方法(Based on Semantic Guidance of Fine-grained Alignment of Image-Text for Multi-modal Neural Machine Translation)
Junjie Ye (叶俊杰) | Junjun Guo (郭军军) | Kaiwen Tan (谭凯文) | Yan Xiang (相艳) | Zhengtao Yu (余正涛)
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

“多模态神经机器翻译旨在利用视觉信息来提高文本翻译质量。传统多模态机器翻译将图像的全局语义信息融入到翻译模型,而忽略了图像的细粒度信息对翻译质量的影响。对此,该文提出一种基于图文细粒度对齐语义引导的多模态神经机器翻译方法,该方法首先跨模态交互图文信息,以提取图文细粒度对齐语义信息,然后以图文细粒度对齐语义信息为枢纽,采用门控机制将多模态细粒度信息对齐到文本信息上,实现图文多模态特征融合。在多模态机器翻译基准数据集Multi30K 英语→德语、英语→法语以及英语→捷克语翻译任务上的实验结果表明,论文提出方法的有效性,并且优于大多数最先进的多模态机器翻译方法。”

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Noise-robust Cross-modal Interactive Learning with Text2Image Mask for Multi-modal Neural Machine Translation
Junjie Ye | Junjun Guo | Yan Xiang | Kaiwen Tan | Zhengtao Yu
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Multi-modal neural machine translation (MNMT) aims to improve textual level machine translation performance in the presence of text-related images. Most of the previous works on MNMT focus on multi-modal fusion methods with full visual features. However, text and its corresponding image may not match exactly, visual noise is generally inevitable. The irrelevant image regions may mislead or distract the textual attention and cause model performance degradation. This paper proposes a noise-robust multi-modal interactive fusion approach with cross-modal relation-aware mask mechanism for MNMT. A text-image relation-aware attention module is constructed through the cross-modal interaction mask mechanism, and visual features are extracted based on the text-image interaction mask knowledge. Then a noise-robust multi-modal adaptive fusion approach is presented by fusion the relevant visual and textual features for machine translation. We validate our method on the Multi30K dataset. The experimental results show the superiority of our proposed model, and achieve the state-of-the-art scores in all En-De, En-Fr and En-Cs translation tasks.