Yaocheng Gui
DynGL-SDP: Dynamic Graph Learning for Semantic Dependency Parsing
Bin Li
Miao Gao
Yunlong Fan
Yikemaiti Sataer
Zhiqiang Gao
Yaocheng Gui
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A recent success in semantic dependency parsing shows that graph neural networks can make significant accuracy improvements, owing to its powerful ability in learning expressive graph representations. However, this work learns graph representations based on a static graph constructed by an existing parser, suffering from two drawbacks: (1) the static graph might be error-prone (e.g., noisy or incomplete), and (2) graph construction stage and graph representation learning stage are disjoint, the errors introduced in the graph construction stage cannot be corrected and might be accumulated to later stages. To address these two drawbacks, we propose a dynamic graph learning framework and apply it to semantic dependency parsing, for jointly learning graph structure and graph representations. Experimental results show that our parser outperforms the previous parsers on the SemEval-2015 Task 18 dataset in three languages (English, Chinese, and Czech).
Evaluating Ensemble Based Pre-annotation on Named Entity Corpus Construction in English and Chinese
Tingming Lu
Man Zhu
Zhiqiang Gao
Yaocheng Gui
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Worldwide Language Service Infrastructure and Second Workshop on Open Infrastructures and Analysis Frameworks for Human Language Technologies (WLSI/OIAF4HLT2016)
Annotated corpora are crucial language resources, and pre-annotation is an usual way to reduce the cost of corpus construction. Ensemble based pre-annotation approach combines multiple existing named entity taggers and categorizes annotations into normal annotations with high confidence and candidate annotations with low confidence, to reduce the human annotation time. In this paper, we manually annotate three English datasets under various pre-annotation conditions, report the effects of ensemble based pre-annotation, and analyze the experimental results. In order to verify the effectiveness of ensemble based pre-annotation in other languages, such as Chinese, three Chinese datasets are also tested. The experimental results show that the ensemble based pre-annotation approach significantly reduces the number of annotations which human annotators have to add, and outperforms the baseline approaches in reduction of human annotation time without loss in annotation performance (in terms of F1-measure), on both English and Chinese datasets.