Yuqian Dai


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Next-Level Cantonese-to-Mandarin Translation: Fine-Tuning and Post-Processing with LLMs
Yuqian Dai | Chun Fai Chan | Ying Ki Wong | Tsz Ho Pun
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Models for Low-Resource Languages

Large Language Models (LLMs) have improved performance across various natural language processing tasks. Despite these improvements, LLMs continue to face significant challenges, such as grammatical issues and code-switching to English, when applied to low-resource languages like Cantonese in Machine Translation (MT) scenarios. By addressing the unique linguistic and contextual challenges of Cantonese, we present a novel strategy to improve the understanding and translation capabilities of LLMs for Cantonese-to-Mandarin MT. Our strategy comprises three key components: (1) Syntax and Part-of-Speech (POS) fine-tuning, where we use the Universal Dependencies (UD) corpus to fine-tune LLM, focusing on the linguistic structures of Cantonese; (2) Specialized Cantonese to Mandarin sentence pairs, collected from diverse sources such as Cantonese grammar textbooks and manually translated sentences across various domains, to expose the model to a wide range of linguistic contexts; (3) Post-processing with additional LLMs, where we introduce additional LLMs to improve the initial translations, correcting Mandarin grammar and punctuation. Empirical evaluations on human-created test sets show that our proposed strategy improves translation performance and outperforms existing commercial translation models with at least 3 BLEU scores. Additionally, our strategy also benefits other LLMs and a reversed translation direction, demonstrating its generalization and effectiveness.


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BERTology for Machine Translation: What BERT Knows about Linguistic Difficulties for Translation
Yuqian Dai | Marc de Kamps | Serge Sharoff
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Pre-trained transformer-based models, such as BERT, have shown excellent performance in most natural language processing benchmark tests, but we still lack a good understanding of the linguistic knowledge of BERT in Neural Machine Translation (NMT). Our work uses syntactic probes and Quality Estimation (QE) models to analyze the performance of BERT’s syntactic dependencies and their impact on machine translation quality, exploring what kind of syntactic dependencies are difficult for NMT engines based on BERT. While our probing experiments confirm that pre-trained BERT “knows” about syntactic dependencies, its ability to recognize them often decreases after fine-tuning for NMT tasks. We also detect a relationship between syntactic dependencies in three languages and the quality of their translations, which shows which specific syntactic dependencies are likely to be a significant cause of low-quality translations.