American Journal of Computational Linguistics (September 1974)
David G. Hays (Editor)
- Anthology ID:
- J74-1
- Month:
- September
- Year:
- 1974
- Address:
- Venue:
- CL
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
American Journal of Computational Linguistics (September 1974)
David G. Hays
The FINITE STRING, Volume 11, Number 1
NSF Sponsorship for AJCL (A. Hood Roberts); Microfiche Viewing Equipment Guide (Ronald F. Borden); ACL Officers 1975 (Aravind K. Joshi); ACL Program, July 26-27, 1974; Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (R. A. Wisbey); Computer at MIT Can Read (Jonathan Allen); Computer-Assisted Lexicography - Bibliography (Richard W. Bailey); Current Bibliography (Brian Harris; R. Laskowski)
The Lexical Subclasses of the Linguistic String Parser
Eileen Fitzpatrick
Naomi Sager
Natural Semantics in Artificial Intelligence
Jaime R. Carbonell
Allan M. Collins
A Few Steps Towards Computer Lexicometry
Nicholas V. Findler
Heino Viil
Pattern-Matching Rules for the Recognition of Natural Language Dialogue Expressions
Kenneth Mark Colby
Roger C. Parkison
Bill Faught