Proceedings of the 2003 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the 2003 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

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A Projection Extension Algorithm for Statistical Machine Translation
Christoph Tillmann

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Statistical Machine Translation Using Coercive Two-Level Syntactic Transduction
Charles Schafer | David Yarowsky

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Cross-Lingual Lexical Triggers in Statistical Language Modeling
Woosung Kim | Sanjeev Khudanpur

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Sentence Alignment for Monolingual Comparable Corpora
Regina Barzilay | Noemie Elhadad

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Antecedent Recovery: Experiments with a Trace Tagger
Péter Dienes | Amit Dubey

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Use of Deep Linguistic Features for the Recognition and Labeling of Semantic Arguments
John Chen | Owen Rambow

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Maximum Entropy Models for FrameNet Classification
Michael Fleischman | Namhee Kwon | Eduard Hovy

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Identifying Semantic Roles Using Combinatory Categorial Grammar
Daniel Gildea | Julia Hockenmaier

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Variation of Entropy and Parse Trees of Sentences as a Function of the Sentence Number
Dmitriy Genzel | Eugene Charniak

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A Plethora of Methods for Learning English Countability
Timothy Baldwin | Francis Bond

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A General Framework for Distributional Similarity
Julie Weeds | David Weir

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Using LTAG Based Features in Parse Reranking
Libin Shen | Anoop Sarkar | Aravind Joshi

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Log-Linear Models for Wide-Coverage CCG Parsing
Stephen Clark | James Curran

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Learning Extraction Patterns for Subjective Expressions
Ellen Riloff | Janyce Wiebe

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Bootstrapping Coreference Classifiers with Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms
Vincent Ng | Claire Cardie

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Statistical Acquisition of Content Selection Rules for Natural Language Generation
Pablo Ariel Duboue | Kathleen R. McKeown

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Towards Answering Opinion Questions: Separating Facts from Opinions and Identifying the Polarity of Opinion Sentences
Hong Yu | Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou

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Evaluation and Extension of Maximum Entropy Models with Inequality Constraints
Jun’ichi Kazama | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Investigating Loss Functions and Optimization Methods for Discriminative Learning of Label Sequences
Yasemin Altun | Mark Johnson | Thomas Hofmann

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A Fast Algorithm for Feature Selection in Conditional Maximum Entropy Modeling
Yaqian Zhou | Fuliang Weng | Lide Wu | Hauke Schmidt

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Training Connectionist Models for the Structured Language Model
Peng Xu | Ahmad Emami | Frederick Jelinek

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Supersense Tagging of Unknown Nouns in WordNet
Massimiliano Ciaramita | Mark Johnson

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Using the Web in Machine Learning for Other-Anaphora Resolution
Natalia N. Modjeska | Katja Markert | Malvina Nissim

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Japanese Zero Pronoun Resolution based on Ranking Rules and Machine Learning
Hideki Isozaki | Tsutomu Hirao

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A Maximum Entropy Chinese Character-Based Parser
Xiaoqiang Luo

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HowtogetaChineseName(Entity): Segmentation and Combination Issues
Hongyan Jing | Radu Florian | Xiaoqiang Luo | Tong Zhang | Abraham Ittycheriah

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Virtual Examples for Text Classification with Support Vector Machines
Manabu Sassano

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Improved Automatic Keyword Extraction Given More Linguistic Knowledge
Anette Hulth