American Journal of Computational Linguistics (February 1976)
David G. Hays (Editor)
- Anthology ID:
- J76-1
- Month:
- February
- Year:
- 1976
- Address:
- Venue:
- CL
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
American Journal of Computational Linguistics (February 1976)
David G. Hays
The FINITE STRING, Volume 13, Number 1
ACL President 1976: Stanley R. Petrick; Personal Notes; Semantics: Georgetown Round Table; AAAS Program Excerpts: Science And Expectations; NEH: Application Deadlines; Science and Government Ralston Speaks at NCC 76 (Dr. Ralston); Architecture for Nonnumeric Processing (Y. W. Su; G. Jack Lipovski); ASIS President 1976: Melvin S. Day, Literary and Linguistic Computing: Meeting Notes; Abstracting and Indexing Societies: Conference; Instituto per Gli Studi Semantici e Cognitivi; Petrarch Translated by Computer (SUNY Binghamton); Stenotype: Computer-Aided Transcription (Michael E. LaBorde); Serials Librarianship: Drexel Library Quarterly (Benita M. Weber)
A Computer Simulation of American Sign Language
Harry W. Hoemann
Vicki A. Florian
Shirley A. Hoemann
PLATON--A New Programming Language for Natural Language Analysis
Makoto Nagao
Jun-Ichi Tsujii
The FINITE STRING, Volume 13, Number 1 (continued)
ACL Membership Data; Editor’s Report; Survey of Members: Preliminary Report; IEEE Tutorials
Verb Paradigms for Sentence Recognition
Marianne Celce-Murcia
Artificial Intelligence and Language Processing: A Directory of Research Personnel
Donald E. Walker
Natural Language Understanding Systems within the A. I. Paradigm: A Survey and Some Comparisons
Yorick Wilks
Analysis of Japanese Sentences
Makoto Nagao
Jun-Ichi Tsujii
The FINITE STRING, Volume 13, Number 2
Abstracts from the 1975 LSA Meeting (Aravind K. Joshi); Current Bibliography; Proceedings, 2nd US-Japan Computer Conference