Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Julia Hockenmaier, Sebastian Riedel (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- W13-35
- Month:
- August
- Year:
- 2013
- Address:
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Julia Hockenmaier
Sebastian Riedel
Online Active Learning for Cost Sensitive Domain Adaptation
Min Xiao
Yuhong Guo
Analysis of Stopping Active Learning based on Stabilizing Predictions
Michael Bloodgood
John Grothendieck
Improving Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) by Incorporating Significant Co-occurrence
Om Damani
Supervised Morphological Segmentation in a Low-Resource Learning Setting using Conditional Random Fields
Teemu Ruokolainen
Oskar Kohonen
Sami Virpioja
Mikko Kurimo
Graph-Based Posterior Regularization for Semi-Supervised Structured Prediction
Luheng He
Jennifer Gillenwater
Ben Taskar
A Boosted Semi-Markov Perceptron
Tomoya Iwakura
Spectral Learning of Refinement HMMs
Karl Stratos
Alexander Rush
Shay B. Cohen
Michael Collins
Sentence Compression with Joint Structural Inference
Kapil Thadani
Kathleen McKeown
Learning Adaptable Patterns for Passage Reranking
Aliaksei Severyn
Massimo Nicosia
Alessandro Moschitti
Documents and Dependencies: an Exploration of Vector Space Models for Semantic Composition
Alona Fyshe
Brian Murphy
Partha Talukdar
Tom Mitchell
Hidden Markov tree models for semantic class induction
Édouard Grave
Guillaume Obozinski
Francis Bach
Better Word Representations with Recursive Neural Networks for Morphology
Thang Luong
Richard Socher
Christopher Manning
Separating Disambiguation from Composition in Distributional Semantics
Dimitri Kartsaklis
Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
Stephen Pulman
Frame Semantics for Stance Classification
Kazi Saidul Hasan
Vincent Ng
Philosophers are Mortal: Inferring the Truth of Unseen Facts
Gabor Angeli
Christopher Manning
Towards Robust Linguistic Analysis using OntoNotes
Sameer Pradhan
Alessandro Moschitti
Nianwen Xue
Hwee Tou Ng
Anders Björkelund
Olga Uryupina
Yuchen Zhang
Zhi Zhong
Dynamic Knowledge-Base Alignment for Coreference Resolution
Jiaping Zheng
Luke Vilnis
Sameer Singh
Jinho D. Choi
Andrew McCallum
A Non-Monotonic Arc-Eager Transition System for Dependency Parsing
Matthew Honnibal
Yoav Goldberg
Mark Johnson
Collapsed Variational Bayesian Inference for PCFGs
Pengyu Wang
Phil Blunsom
Polyglot: Distributed Word Representations for Multilingual NLP
Rami Al-Rfou’
Bryan Perozzi
Steven Skiena
Exploiting multiple hypotheses for Multilingual Spoken Language Understanding
Marcos Calvo
Fernando García
Lluís-F. Hurtado
Santiago Jiménez
Emilio Sanchis
Multilingual WSD-like Constraints for Paraphrase Extraction
Wilker Aziz
Lucia Specia
Topic Models + Word Alignment = A Flexible Framework for Extracting Bilingual Dictionary from Comparable Corpus
Xiaodong Liu
Kevin Duh
Yuji Matsumoto
Terminology Extraction Approaches for Product Aspect Detection in Customer Reviews
Jürgen Broß
Heiko Ehrig
Acquisition of Desires before Beliefs: A Computional Investigation
Libby Barak
Afsaneh Fazly
Suzanne Stevenson