Alec Sánchez-Montero


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Disagreement in Metaphor Annotation of Mexican Spanish Science Tweets
Alec Sánchez-Montero | Gemma Bel-Enguix | Sergio-Luis Ojeda-Trueba | Gerardo Sierra
Proceedings of Context and Meaning: Navigating Disagreements in NLP Annotation

Traditional linguistic annotation methods often strive for a gold standard with hard labels as input for natural language processing models, assuming an underlying objective truth for all tasks. However, disagreement among annotators is a common scenario, even for seemingly objective linguistic tasks, and is particularly prominent in figurative language annotation, since multiple valid interpretations can sometimes coexist. This study presents the annotation process for identifying metaphorical tweets within a corpus of 3733 Public Communication of Science texts written in Mexican Spanish, emphasizing inter-annotator disagreement. Using Fleiss’ and Cohen’s Kappa alongside agreement percentages, we evaluated metaphorical language detection through binary classification in three situations: two subsets of the corpus labeled by three different non-expert annotators each, and a subset of disagreement tweets, identified in the non-expert annotation phase, re-labeled by three expert annotators. Our results suggest that expert annotation may improve agreement levels, but does not exclude disagreement, likely due to factors such as the relatively novelty of the genre, the presence of multiple scientific topics, and the blending of specialized and non-specialized discourse. Going further, we propose adopting a learning-from-disagreement approach for capturing diverse annotation perspectives to enhance computational metaphor detection in Mexican Spanish.


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Evaluating the Development of Linguistic Metaphor Annotation in Mexican Spanish Popular Science Tweets
Alec Sánchez-Montero | Gemma Bel-Enguix | Sergio-Luis Ojeda-Trueba
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FigLang 2024)

Following previous work on metaphor annotation and automatic metaphor processing, this study presents the evaluation of an initial phase in the novel area of linguistic metaphor detection in Mexican Spanish popular science tweets. Specifically, we examine the challenges posed by the annotation process stemming from disagreement among annotators. During this phase of our work, we conducted the annotation of a corpus comprising 3733 Mexican Spanish popular science tweets. This corpus was divided into two halves and each half was then assigned to two different pairs of native Mexican Spanish-speaking annotators. Despite rigorous methodology and continuous training, inter-annotator agreement as measured by Cohen’s kappa was found to be low, slightly above chance levels, although the concordance percentage exceeded 60%. By elucidating the inherent complexity of metaphor annotation tasks, our evaluation emphasizes the implications of these findings and offers insights for future research in this field, with the aim of creating a robust dataset for machine learning.