Andrew Runge
BERT-IRT: Accelerating Item Piloting with BERT Embeddings and Explainable IRT Models
Kevin P. Yancey
Andrew Runge
Geoffrey LaFlair
Phoebe Mulcaire
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024)
Estimating item parameters (e.g., the difficulty of a question) is an important part of modern high-stakes tests. Conventional methods require lengthy pilots to collect response data from a representative population of test-takers. The need for these pilots limit item bank size and how often those item banks can be refreshed, impacting test security, while increasing costs needed to support the test and taking up the test-taker’s valuable time. Our paper presents a novel explanatory item response theory (IRT) model, BERT-IRT, that has been used on the Duolingo English Test (DET), a high-stakes test of English, to reduce the length of pilots by a factor of 10. Our evaluation shows how the model uses BERT embeddings and engineered NLP features to accelerate item piloting without sacrificing criterion validity or reliability.
Exploring Neural Entity Representations for Semantic Information
Andrew Runge
Eduard Hovy
Proceedings of the Third BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP
Neural methods for embedding entities are typically extrinsically evaluated on downstream tasks and, more recently, intrinsically using probing tasks. Downstream task-based comparisons are often difficult to interpret due to differences in task structure, while probing task evaluations often look at only a few attributes and models. We address both of these issues by evaluating a diverse set of eight neural entity embedding methods on a set of simple probing tasks, demonstrating which methods are able to remember words used to describe entities, learn type, relationship and factual information, and identify how frequently an entity is mentioned. We also compare these methods in a unified framework on two entity linking tasks and discuss how they generalize to different model architectures and datasets.