Angela Maria Ramirez


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Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Act Transfer using Prompt-Based Learning for Controllable Open-Domain NLG
Alain Vazquez Risco | Angela Maria Ramirez | Neha Pullabhotla | Nan Qiang | Haoran Zhang | Marilyn Walker | Maria Ines Torres
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

Open domain spoken dialogue systems need to controllably generate many different dialogue acts (DAs) to allow Natural Language Generation (NLG) to create interesting and engaging conversational interactions with users. We aim to create an NLG engine that can produce a variety of DAs that make substantive knowledge-grounded contributions to a conversation. Training such an NLG typically requires dialogue corpora that are labelled for DAs, which are expensive to produce and vulnerable to quality issues. Here, we present a prompt-based learning approach to transfer DAs from one domain, video games, to 7 new domains. For each novel domain, we first crawl WikiData to create Meaning Representations that systematically vary both the number of attributes and hops on the WikiData Knowledge Graph. The proposed method involves a self-training step to create prompt examples for each domain followed by an overgeneration and ranking step. The result is a novel, high-quality dataset, Wiki-Dialogue, of 71K knowledge-grounded utterances, covering 9 DAs and the Art, Movies, Music, Sports, TV, Animal, and Boardgames domains, whose combined DA and semantic accuracy is 89%. We assess the corpus quality using both automatic and human evaluations and find it high. The corpus is found to be safe, lexically rich, and large in vocabulary, when compared to similar datasets.

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“Keep up the good work!”: Using Constraints in Zero Shot Prompting to Generate Supportive Teacher Responses
E. Margaret Perkoff | Angela Maria Ramirez | Sean von Bayern | Marilyn Walker | James Martin
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

Educational dialogue systems have been used to support students and teachers for decades. Such systems rely on explicit pedagogically motivated dialogue rules. With the ease of integrating large language models (LLMs) into dialogue systems, applications have been arising that directly use model responses without the use of human-written rules, raising concerns about their use in classroom settings. Here, we explore how to constrain LLM outputs to generate appropriate and supportive teacher-like responses. We present results comparing the effectiveness of different constraint variations in a zero-shot prompting setting on a large mathematics classroom corpus. Generated outputs are evaluated with human annotation for Fluency, Relevance, Helpfulness, and Adherence to the provided constraints. Including all constraints in the prompt led to the highest values for Fluency and Helpfulness, and the second highest value for Relevance. The annotation results also demonstrate that the prompts that result in the highest adherence to constraints do not necessarily indicate higher perceived scores for Fluency, Relevance, or Helpfulness. In a direct comparison, all of the non-baseline LLM responses were ranked higher than the actual teacher responses in the corpus over 50% of the time.