Anushka Swarup


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LLM4RE: A Data-centric Feasibility Study for Relation Extraction
Anushka Swarup | Tianyu Pan | Ronald Wilson | Avanti Bhandarkar | Damon Woodard
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Relation Extraction (RE) is a multi-task process that is a crucial part of all information extraction pipelines. With the introduction of the generative language models, Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased significant performance boosts for complex natural language processing and understanding tasks. Recent research in RE has also started incorporating these advanced machines in their pipelines. However, the full extent of the LLM’s potential for extracting relations remains unknown. Consequently, this study aims to conduct the first feasibility analysis to explore the viability of LLMs for RE by investigating their robustness to various complex RE scenarios stemming from data-specific characteristics. By conducting an exhaustive analysis of five state-of-the-art LLMs backed by more than 2100 experiments, this study posits that LLMs are not robust enough to tackle complex data characteristics for RE, and additional research efforts focusing on investigating their behaviors at extracting relationships are needed. The source code for the evaluation pipeline can be found at .


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Emulating Author Style: A Feasibility Study of Prompt-enabled Text Stylization with Off-the-Shelf LLMs
Avanti Bhandarkar | Ronald Wilson | Anushka Swarup | Damon Woodard
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Personalization of Generative AI Systems (PERSONALIZE 2024)

User-centric personalization of text opens many avenues of applications from stylized email composition to machine translation. Existing approaches in this domain often encounter limitations in data and resource requirements. Drawing inspiration from the success of resource-efficient prompt-enabled stylization in related fields, this work conducts the first feasibility into testing 12 pre-trained SOTA LLMs for author style emulation. Although promising, the results suggest that current off-the-shelf LLMs fall short of achieving effective author style emulation. This work provides valuable insights through which off-the-shelf LLMs could be potentially utilized for user-centric personalization easily and at scale.