Areej Jaber


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Sina at FigNews 2024: Multilingual Datasets Annotated with Bias and Propaganda.
Lina Duaibes | Areej Jaber | Mustafa Jarrar | Ahmad Qadi | Mais Qandeel
Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference

The proliferation of bias and propaganda onsocial media is an increasingly significant concern,leading to the development of techniquesfor automatic detection. This article presents amultilingual corpus of 12, 000 Facebook postsfully annotated for bias and propaganda. Thecorpus was created as part of the FigNews2024 Shared Task on News Media Narrativesfor framing the Israeli War on Gaza. It coversvarious events during the War from October7, 2023 to January 31, 2024. The corpuscomprises 12, 000 posts in five languages (Arabic,Hebrew, English, French, and Hindi), with2, 400 posts for each language. The annotationprocess involved 10 graduate students specializingin Law. The Inter-Annotator Agreement(IAA) was used to evaluate the annotationsof the corpus, with an average IAA of 80.8%for bias and 70.15% for propaganda annotations.Our team was ranked among the bestperformingteams in both Bias and Propagandasubtasks. The corpus is open-source and availableat


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PTUK-HULAT at ArAIEval Shared Task Fine-tuned Distilbert to Predict Disinformative Tweets
Areej Jaber | Paloma Martinez
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023

Disinformation involves the dissemination of incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information; it has the objective, goal, or purpose of deliberately or intentionally lying to others aboutthe truth. The spread of disinformative information on social media has serious implications, and it causes concern among internet users in different aspects. Automatic classification models are required to detect disinformative posts on social media, especially on Twitter. In this article, DistilBERT multilingual model was fine-tuned to classify tweets either as dis-informative or not dis-informative in Subtask 2A of the ArAIEval shared task. The system outperformed the baseline and achieved F1 micro 87% and F1 macro 80%. Our system ranked 11 compared with all participants.