Arnaldo Candido Junior
Also published as: Arnaldo Candido Junior
MuPe Life Stories Dataset: Spontaneous Speech in Brazilian Portuguese with a Case Study Evaluation on ASR Bias against Speakers Groups and Topic Modeling
Sidney Evaldo Leal
Arnaldo Candido Junior
Ricardo Marcacini
Edresson Casanova
Odilon Gonçalves
Anderson Silva Soares
Rodrigo Freitas Lima
Lucas Rafael Stefanel Gris
Sandra Aluísio
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Accent Classification is Challenging but Pre-training Helps: a case study with novel Brazilian Portuguese datasets
Ariadne Matos
Gustavo Araújo
Arnaldo Candido Junior
Moacir Ponti
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese - Vol. 1
Portal Min@s: Uma Ferramenta Geral de Apoio ao Processamento de Córpus de Propósito Geral (Portal Min@s: A General Purpose Support Tool for Corpora Processing)
Arnaldo Candido Junior
Thiago Lima Vieira
Marcel Serikawa
Matheus Antonio Ribeiro Silva
Régis Zangirolami
Sandra Maria Aluísio
Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology
- Sandra Aluísio 2
- Gustavo Araújo 1
- Edresson Casanova 1
- Rodrigo Freitas Lima 1
- Odilon Gonçalves 1
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