Axel J. Soto


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ROUGE-SciQFS: A ROUGE-based Method to Automatically Create Datasets for Scientific Query-Focused Summarization
Juan Ramirez-Orta | Ana Maguitman | Axel J. Soto | Evangelos Milios
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

So far, the task of Scientific Query-Focused Summarization (Sci-QFS) has lagged in development when compared to other areas of Scientific Natural Language Processing because of the lack of data. In this work, we propose a methodology to take advantage of existing collections of academic papers to obtain large-scale datasets for this task automatically. After applying it to the papers from our reading group, we introduce a novel dataset for Sci-QFS composed of 8,695 examples, each one with a query, the sentences of the full text from a paper and the relevance labels for each. After testing several classical and state-of-the-art embedding models on this data, we found that the task of Sci-QFS is far from being solved, although it is relatively straightforward for humans. Surprisingly, we found that classical methods outperformed modern pre-trained Deep Language Models (sometimes by a large margin), showing the need for large datasets to better fine-tune the latter. We share our experiments, data and models at