Bhargav Shandilya
On the Robustness of Neural Models for Full Sentence Transformation
Michael Ginn
Ali Marashian
Bhargav Shandilya
Claire Post
Enora Rice
Juan Vásquez
Marie Mcgregor
Matthew Buchholz
Mans Hulden
Alexis Palmer
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas (AmericasNLP 2024)
This paper describes the LECS Lab submission to the AmericasNLP 2024 Shared Task on the Creation of Educational Materials for Indigenous Languages. The task requires transforming a base sentence with regards to one or more linguistic properties (such as negation or tense). We observe that this task shares many similarities with the well-studied task of word-level morphological inflection, and we explore whether the findings from inflection research are applicable to this task. In particular, we experiment with a number of augmentation strategies, finding that they can significantly benefit performance, but that not all augmented data is necessarily beneficial. Furthermore, we find that our character-level neural models show high variability with regards to performance on unseen data, and may not be the best choice when training data is limited.
Lightweight morpheme labeling in context: Using structured linguistic representations to support linguistic analysis for the language documentation context
Bhargav Shandilya
Alexis Palmer
Proceedings of the 20th SIGMORPHON workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology
Linguistic analysis is a core task in the process of documenting, analyzing, and describing endangered and less-studied languages. In addition to providing insight into the properties of the language being studied, having tools to automatically label words in a language for grammatical category and morphological features can support a range of applications useful for language pedagogy and revitalization. At the same time, most modern NLP methods for these tasks require both large amounts of data in the language and compute costs well beyond the capacity of most research groups and language communities. In this paper, we present a gloss-to-gloss (g2g) model for linguistic analysis (specifically, morphological analysis and part-of-speech tagging) that is lightweight in terms of both data requirements and computational expense. The model is designed for the interlinear glossed text (IGT) format, in which we expect the source text of a sentence in a low-resource language, a translation of that sentence into a language of wider communication, and a detailed glossing of the morphological properties of each word in the sentence. We first produce silver standard parallel glossed data by automatically labeling the high-resource translation. The model then learns to transform source language morphological labels into output labels for the target language, mediated by a structured linguistic representation layer. We test the model on both low-resource and high-resource languages, and find that our simple CNN-based model achieves comparable performance to a state-of-the-art transformer-based model, at a fraction of the computational cost.
Fix data
- Alexis Palmer 2
- Matthew Buchholz 1
- Michael Ginn 1
- Mans Hulden 1
- Ali Marashian 1
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