Chen Xinhao


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Chinese Essay Rhetoric Recognition and Understanding (CERRU)
Liu Nuowei | Chen Xinhao | Ren Yupei | Lan Man | Bai Xiaopeng | Wu Yuanbin | Mao Shaoguang | Xia Yan
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: Evaluations)

“Rhetoric is fundamental to the reading comprehension and writing skills of primary and middle school students. However, current work independently recognize single coarse-grained categories or fine-grained categories. In this paper, we propose the CCL24-Eval Task6: Chinese Essay Rhetoric Recognition and Understanding (CERRU), consisting of 3 tracks: (1) Fine-grained Form-level Categories Recognition, (2) Fine-grained Content-level Categories Recognition and (3) Rhetorical Component Extraction. A total of 32 teams registered to participate in CERRU and 9 teams submitted evaluation results, with 7 of these teams achieving an overall score that surpassed the baseline.”