Eleonora Litta


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The Lemma Bank of the LiITA Knowledge Base of Interoperable Resources for Italian
Eleonora Litta | Marco Passarotti | Paolo Brasolin | Giovanni Moretti | Valerio Basile | Andrea Di Fabio | Cristina Bosco
Proceedings of the 10th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2024)

The paper introduces the LiIta Knowledge Base of interoperable linguistic resources for Italian. After describing the principles of the Linked Data paradigm, on which LiIta is grounded, the paper presents the lemma-centred architecture of the Knowledge Base and details its core component, consisting of a large collection of Italian lemmas (called the Lemma Bank) used to interlink distributed lexical and textual resources.


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Linking the Neulateinische Wortliste to the LiLa Knowledge Base of Interoperable Resources for Latin
Federica Iurescia | Eleonora Litta | Marco Passarotti | Matteo Pellegrini | Giovanni Moretti | Paolo Ruffolo
Proceedings of the 7th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature

This paper describes the process of interlinking a lexical resource consisting of a list of more than 20,000 Neo-Latin words with other resources for Latin. The resources are made interoperable thanks to their linking to the anonymous Knowledge Base, which applies Linguistic Linked Open Data practices and data categories to describe and publish on the Web both textual and lexical resources for the Latin language.


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Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology
Magda Ševčíková | Zdeněk Žabokrtský | Eleonora Litta | Marco Passarotti
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology

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The Treatment of Word Formation in the LiLa Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin
Eleonora Litta | Marco Passarotti | Francesco Mambrini
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology


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The Lemlat 3.0 Package for Morphological Analysis of Latin
Marco Passarotti | Marco Budassi | Eleonora Litta | Paolo Ruffolo
Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Processing Historical Language