Fatema Ahmad


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AraDiCE: Benchmarks for Dialectal and Cultural Capabilities in LLMs
Basel Mousi | Nadir Durrani | Fatema Ahmad | Md. Arid Hasan | Maram Hasanain | Tameem Kabbani | Fahim Dalvi | Shammur Absar Chowdhury | Firoj Alam
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Arabic, with its rich diversity of dialects, remains significantly underrepresented in Large Language Models, particularly in dialectal variations. We address this gap by introducing seven synthetic datasets in dialects alongside Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), created using Machine Translation (MT) combined with human post-editing. We present AraDiCE, a benchmark for Arabic Dialect and Cultural Evaluation. We evaluate LLMs on dialect comprehension and generation, focusing specifically on low-resource Arabic dialects. Additionally, we introduce the first-ever fine-grained benchmark designed to evaluate cultural awareness across the Gulf, Egypt, and Levant regions, providing a novel dimension to LLM evaluation. Our findings demonstrate that while Arabic-specific models like Jais and AceGPT outperform multilingual models on dialectal tasks, significant challenges persist in dialect identification, generation, and translation. This work contributes ≈45K post-edited samples, a cultural benchmark, and highlights the importance of tailored training to improve LLM performance in capturing the nuances of diverse Arabic dialects and cultural contexts. We have released the dialectal translation models and benchmarks developed in this study (https://huggingface.co/datasets/QCRI/AraDiCE)

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GenAI Content Detection Task 2: AI vs. Human – Academic Essay Authenticity Challenge
Shammur Absar Chowdhury | Hind Almerekhi | Mucahid Kutlu | Kaan Efe Keleş | Fatema Ahmad | Tasnim Mohiuddin | George Mikros | Firoj Alam
Proceedings of the 1stWorkshop on GenAI Content Detection (GenAIDetect)

This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the first edition of the Academic Essay Authenticity Challenge, organized as part of the GenAI Content Detection shared tasks collocated with COLING 2025. This challenge focuses on detecting machine-generated vs human-authored essays for academic purposes. The task is defined as follows: “Given an essay, identify whether it is generated by a machine or authored by a human.” The challenge involves two languages: English and Arabic. During the evaluation phase, 25 teams submitted systems for English and 21 teams for Arabic, reflecting substantial interest in the task. Finally, five teams submitted system description papers. The majority of submissions utilized fine-tuned transformer-based models, with one team employing Large Language Models (LLMs) such as Llama 2 and Llama 3. This paper outlines the task formulation, details the dataset construction process, and explains the evaluation framework. Additionally, we present a summary of the approaches adopted by participating teams. Nearly all submitted systems outperformed the n-gram-based baseline, with the top-performing systems achieving F1 scores exceeding 0.98 for both languages, indicating significant progress in the detection of machine-generated text.


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ArAIEval Shared Task: Propagandistic Techniques Detection in Unimodal and Multimodal Arabic Content
Maram Hasanain | Md. Arid Hasan | Fatema Ahmad | Reem Suwaileh | Md. Rafiul Biswas | Wajdi Zaghouani | Firoj Alam
Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference

We present an overview of the second edition of the ArAIEval shared task, organized as part of the ArabicNLP 2024 conference co-located with ACL 2024. In this edition, ArAIEval offers two tasks: (i) detection of propagandistic textual spans with persuasion techniques identification in tweets and news articles, and (ii) distinguishing between propagandistic and non-propagandistic memes. A total of 14 teams participated in the final evaluation phase, with 6 and 9 teams participating in Tasks 1 and 2, respectively. Finally, 11 teams submitted system description papers. Across both tasks, we observed that fine-tuning transformer models such as AraBERT was at the core of the majority of the participating systems. We provide a description of the task setup, including a description of the dataset construction and the evaluation setup. We further provide a brief overview of the participating systems. All datasets and evaluation scripts are released to the research community. We hope this will enable further research on these important tasks in Arabic.

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ArMeme: Propagandistic Content in Arabic Memes
Firoj Alam | Abul Hasnat | Fatema Ahmad | Md. Arid Hasan | Maram Hasanain
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

With the rise of digital communication memes have become a significant medium for cultural and political expression that is often used to mislead audience. Identification of such misleading and persuasive multimodal content become more important among various stakeholders, including social media platforms, policymakers, and the broader society as they often cause harm to the individuals, organizations and/or society. While there has been effort to develop AI based automatic system for resource rich languages (e.g., English), it is relatively little to none for medium to low resource languages. In this study, we focused on developing an Arabic memes dataset with manual annotations of propagandistic content. We annotated ∼6K Arabic memes collected from various social media platforms, which is a first resource for Arabic multimodal research. We provide a comprehensive analysis aiming to develop computational tools for their detection. We made the dataset publicly available for the community.

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Large Language Models for Propaganda Span Annotation
Maram Hasanain | Fatema Ahmad | Firoj Alam
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024

The use of propagandistic techniques in online content has increased in recent years aiming to manipulate online audiences. Fine-grained propaganda detection and extraction of textual spans where propaganda techniques are used, are essential for more informed content consumption. Automatic systems targeting the task over lower resourced languages are limited, usually obstructed by lack of large scale training datasets. Our study investigates whether Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, can effectively extract propagandistic spans. We further study the potential of employing the model to collect more cost-effective annotations. Finally, we examine the effectiveness of labels provided by GPT-4 in training smaller language models for the task. The experiments are performed over a large-scale in-house manually annotated dataset. The results suggest that providing more annotation context to GPT-4 within prompts improves its performance compared to human annotators. Moreover, when serving as an expert annotator (consolidator), the model provides labels that have higher agreement with expert annotators, and lead to specialized models that achieve state-of-the-art over an unseen Arabic testing set. Finally, our work is the first to show the potential of utilizing LLMs to develop annotated datasets for propagandistic spans detection task prompting it with annotations from human annotators with limited expertise. All scripts and annotations will be shared with the community.

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Can GPT-4 Identify Propaganda? Annotation and Detection of Propaganda Spans in News Articles
Maram Hasanain | Fatema Ahmad | Firoj Alam
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

The use of propaganda has spiked on mainstream and social media, aiming to manipulate or mislead users. While efforts to automatically detect propaganda techniques in textual, visual, or multimodal content have increased, most of them primarily focus on English content. The majority of the recent initiatives targeting medium to low-resource languages produced relatively small annotated datasets, with a skewed distribution, posing challenges for the development of sophisticated propaganda detection models. To address this challenge, we carefully develop the largest propaganda dataset to date, ArPro, comprised of 8K paragraphs from newspaper articles, labeled at the text span level following a taxonomy of 23 propagandistic techniques. Furthermore, our work offers the first attempt to understand the performance of large language models (LLMs), using GPT-4, for fine-grained propaganda detection from text. Results showed that GPT-4’s performance degrades as the task moves from simply classifying a paragraph as propagandistic or not, to the fine-grained task of detecting propaganda techniques and their manifestation in text. Compared to models fine-tuned on the dataset for propaganda detection at different classification granularities, GPT-4 is still far behind. Finally, we evaluate GPT-4 on a dataset consisting of six other languages for span detection, and results suggest that the model struggles with the task across languages. We made the dataset publicly available for the community.