Guanliang Chen


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KVFKT: A New Horizon in Knowledge Tracing with Attention-Based Embedding and Forgetting Curve Integration
Quanlong Guan | Xiuliang Duan | Kaiquan Bian | Guanliang Chen | Jianbo Huang | Zhiguo Gong | Liangda Fang
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The knowledge tracing (KT) model based on deep learning has been proven to be superior to the traditional knowledge tracing model, eliminating the need for artificial engineering features. However, there are still problems, such as insufficient interpretability of the learning and answering processes. To address these issues, we propose a new approach in knowledge tracing with attention-based embedding and forgetting curve integration, namely KVFKT. Firstly, the embedding representation module is responsible for embedding the questions and computing the attention vector of knowledge concepts (KCs) when students answer questions and when answer time stamps are collected. Secondly, the forgetting quantification module performs the pre-prediction update of the student’s knowledge state matrix. This quantification involves calculating the interval time and associated forgetting rate of relevant KCs, following the forgetting curve. Thirdly, the answer prediction module generates responses based on students’ knowledge status, guess coefficient, and question difficulty. Finally, the knowledge status update module further refines the students’ knowledge status according to their answers to the questions and the characteristics of those questions. In the experiment, four real-world datasets are used to test the model. Experimental results show that KVFKT better traces students’ knowledge state and outperforms state-of-the-art models.


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Bigger Data or Fairer Data? Augmenting BERT via Active Sampling for Educational Text Classification
Lele Sha | Yuheng Li | Dragan Gasevic | Guanliang Chen
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Pretrained Language Models (PLMs), though popular, have been diagnosed to encode bias against protected groups in the representations they learn, which may harm the prediction fairness of downstream models. Given that such bias is believed to be related to the amount of demographic information carried in the learned representations, this study aimed to quantify the awareness that a PLM (i.e., BERT) has regarding people’s protected attributes and augment BERT to improve prediction fairness of downstream models by inhibiting this awareness. Specifically, we developed a method to dynamically sample data to continue the pretraining of BERT and enable it to generate representations carrying minimal demographic information, which can be directly used as input to downstream models for fairer predictions. By experimenting on the task of classifying educational forum posts and measuring fairness between students of different gender or first-language backgrounds, we showed that, compared to a baseline without any additional pretraining, our method improved not only fairness (with a maximum improvement of 52.33%) but also accuracy (with a maximum improvement of 2.53%). Our method can be generalized to any PLM and demographic attributes. All the codes used in this study can be accessed via

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Do Deep Neural Nets Display Human-like Attention in Short Answer Scoring?
Zijie Zeng | Xinyu Li | Dragan Gasevic | Guanliang Chen
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Deep Learning (DL) techniques have been increasingly adopted for Automatic Text Scoring in education. However, these techniques often suffer from their inabilities to explain and justify how a prediction is made, which, unavoidably, decreases their trustworthiness and hinders educators from embracing them in practice. This study aimed to investigate whether (and to what extent) DL-based graders align with human graders regarding the important words they identify when marking short answer questions. To this end, we first conducted a user study to ask human graders to manually annotate important words in assessing answer quality and then measured the overlap between these human-annotated words and those identified by DL-based graders (i.e., those receiving large attention weights). Furthermore, we ran a randomized controlled experiment to explore the impact of highlighting important words detected by DL-based graders on human grading. The results showed that: (i) DL-based graders, to a certain degree, displayed alignment with human graders no matter whether DL-based graders and human graders agreed on the quality of an answer; and (ii) it is possible to facilitate human grading by highlighting those DL-detected important words, though further investigations are necessary to understand how human graders exploit such highlighted words.


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Feature Engineering for Second Language Acquisition Modeling
Guanliang Chen | Claudia Hauff | Geert-Jan Houben
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications

Knowledge tracing serves as a keystone in delivering personalized education. However, few works attempted to model students’ knowledge state in the setting of Second Language Acquisition. The Duolingo Shared Task on Second Language Acquisition Modeling provides students’ trace data that we extensively analyze and engineer features from for the task of predicting whether a student will correctly solve a vocabulary exercise. Our analyses of students’ learning traces reveal that factors like exercise format and engagement impact their exercise performance to a large extent. Overall, we extracted 23 different features as input to a Gradient Tree Boosting framework, which resulted in an AUC score of between 0.80 and 0.82 on the official test set.