Jakub Simko


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Multilinguality in the VIGILANT project
Brendan Spillane | Carolina Scarton | Robert Moro | Petar Ivanov | Andrey Tagarev | Jakub Simko | Ibrahim Abu Farha | Gary Munnelly | Filip Uhlárik | Freddy Heppell
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 2)

VIGILANT (Vital IntelliGence to Investigate ILlegAl DisiNformaTion) is a three-year Horizon Europe project that will equip European Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) with advanced disinformation detection and analysis tools to investigate and prevent criminal activities linked to disinformation. These include disinformation instigating violence towards minorities, promoting false medical cures, and increasing tensions between groups causing civil unrest and violent acts. VIGILANT’s four LEAs require support for English, Spanish, Catalan, Greek, Estonian, Romanian and Russian. Therefore, multilinguality is a major challenge and we present the current status of our tools and our plans to improve their performance.

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Effects of diversity incentives on sample diversity and downstream model performance in LLM-based text augmentation
Jan Cegin | Branislav Pecher | Jakub Simko | Ivan Srba | Maria Bielikova | Peter Brusilovsky
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The latest generative large language models (LLMs) have found their application in data augmentation tasks, where small numbers of text samples are LLM-paraphrased and then used to fine-tune downstream models. However, more research is needed to assess how different prompts, seed data selection strategies, filtering methods, or model settings affect the quality of paraphrased data (and downstream models). In this study, we investigate three text diversity incentive methods well established in crowdsourcing: taboo words, hints by previous outlier solutions, and chaining on previous outlier solutions. Using these incentive methods as part of instructions to LLMs augmenting text datasets, we measure their effects on generated texts’ lexical diversity and downstream model performance. We compare the effects over 5 different LLMs, 6 datasets and 2 downstream models. We show that diversity is most increased by taboo words, but downstream model performance is highest with hints.


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ChatGPT to Replace Crowdsourcing of Paraphrases for Intent Classification: Higher Diversity and Comparable Model Robustness
Jan Cegin | Jakub Simko | Peter Brusilovsky
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The emergence of generative large language models (LLMs) raises the question: what will be its impact on crowdsourcing? Traditionally, crowdsourcing has been used for acquiring solutions to a wide variety of human-intelligence tasks, including ones involving text generation, modification or evaluation. For some of these tasks, models like ChatGPT can potentially substitute human workers. In this study, we investigate whether this is the case for the task of paraphrase generation for intent classification. We apply data collection methodology of an existing crowdsourcing study (similar scale, prompts and seed data) using ChatGPT and Falcon-40B. We show that ChatGPT-created paraphrases are more diverse and lead to at least as robust models.

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MULTITuDE: Large-Scale Multilingual Machine-Generated Text Detection Benchmark
Dominik Macko | Robert Moro | Adaku Uchendu | Jason Lucas | Michiharu Yamashita | Matúš Pikuliak | Ivan Srba | Thai Le | Dongwon Lee | Jakub Simko | Maria Bielikova
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

There is a lack of research into capabilities of recent LLMs to generate convincing text in languages other than English and into performance of detectors of machine-generated text in multilingual settings. This is also reflected in the available benchmarks which lack authentic texts in languages other than English and predominantly cover older generators. To fill this gap, we introduce MULTITuDE, a novel benchmarking dataset for multilingual machine-generated text detection comprising of 74,081 authentic and machine-generated texts in 11 languages (ar, ca, cs, de, en, es, nl, pt, ru, uk, and zh) generated by 8 multilingual LLMs. Using this benchmark, we compare the performance of zero-shot (statistical and black-box) and fine-tuned detectors. Considering the multilinguality, we evaluate 1) how these detectors generalize to unseen languages (linguistically similar as well as dissimilar) and unseen LLMs and 2) whether the detectors improve their performance when trained on multiple languages.

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Multilingual Previously Fact-Checked Claim Retrieval
Matúš Pikuliak | Ivan Srba | Robert Moro | Timo Hromadka | Timotej Smoleň | Martin Melišek | Ivan Vykopal | Jakub Simko | Juraj Podroužek | Maria Bielikova
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Fact-checkers are often hampered by the sheer amount of online content that needs to be fact-checked. NLP can help them by retrieving already existing fact-checks relevant to the content being investigated. This paper introduces a new multilingual dataset for previously fact-checked claim retrieval. We collected 28k posts in 27 languages from social media, 206k fact-checks in 39 languages written by professional fact-checkers, as well as 31k connections between these two groups. This is the most extensive and the most linguistically diverse dataset of this kind to date. We evaluated how different unsupervised methods fare on this dataset and its various dimensions. We show that evaluating such a diverse dataset has its complexities and proper care needs to be taken before interpreting the results. We also evaluated a supervised fine-tuning approach, improving upon the unsupervised method significantly.