Javi Ferreres
Arabic WordNet: Semi-automatic Extensions using Bayesian Inference
Horacio Rodríguez
David Farwell
Javi Ferreres
Manuel Bertran
Musa Alkhalifa
M. Antonia Martí
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
This presentation focuses on the semi-automatic extension of Arabic WordNet (AWN) using lexical and morphological rules and applying Bayesian inference. We briefly report on the current status of AWN and propose a way of extending its coverage by taking advantage of a limited set of highly productive Arabic morphological rules for deriving a range of semantically related word forms from verb entries. The application of this set of rules, combined with the use of bilingual Arabic-English resources and Princetons WordNet, allows the generation of a graph representing the semantic neighbourhood of the original word. In previous work, a set of associations between the hypothesized Arabic words and English synsets was proposed on the basis of this graph. Here, a novel approach to extending AWN is presented whereby a Bayesian Network is automatically built from the graph and then the net is used as an inferencing mechanism for scoring the set of candidate associations. Both on its own and in combination with the previous technique, this new approach has led to improved results.