融合领域词汇扩充的低资源法律文书命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition for Low-Resource Legal Documents Using Integrated Domain Vocabulary Expansion)
Paerhati Tulajiang (帕尔哈提吐拉江)
Sun Yuanyuan (孙嫒媛)
Cai Aichen (蔡艾辰)
Wang Yanhua (王艳华)
Lin Hongfei (林鸿飞)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
基于主题模型与图神经网络的突发公共卫生事件国际舆情演化分析研(International Public Opinion Evolution Analysis on Sudden Public Health Events using Topic Model and Graph Neural Network)
Gao Jingjian (高境健)
Sang Guoming (桑国明)
Liu Zhi (刘智)
Zhang Yijia (张益嘉)
Lin Hongfei (林鸿飞)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
面向社交媒体多特征增强的药物不良反应检测(Adverse drug reaction detection with multi-feature enhancement for social media)
Li Hao (李浩)
Qiu Yunzhi (邱云志)
Lin Hongfei (林鸿飞)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
基于本体信息增强的人类表型概念识别(Ontology Information-augmented Human Phenotype Concept Recognition)
Qi Jiewei (祁杰蔚)
Luo Ling (罗凌)
Yang Zhihao (杨志豪)
Wang Jian (王健)
Lin Hongfei (林鸿飞)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
A Multi-Task Biomedical Named Entity Recognition Method Based on Data Augmentation
Zhao Hui
Zhao Di
Meng Jiana
Liu Shuang
Lin Hongfei
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
“The rapid development of artificial intelligence has led to an explosion of literature in the biomed-ical field, and Biomedical Named Entity Recognition (BioNER) can quickly and accurately iden-tify key information from unstructured text. This task has become an important topic to promotethe rapid development of intelligence in the biomedical field. However, in the Named EntityRecognition (NER) of the biomedical field, there are always some problems of unclear boundaryrecognition, the underutilization of hierarchical information in sentences and the scarcity of train-ing data resources. Based on this, this paper proposes a multi-task BioNER model based on dataaugmentation, using four data augmentation methods: Mention Replacement (MR), Label-wisetoken Replacement (LwTR), Shuffle Within Segments (SiS) and Synonym Replacement (SR)to increase the training data. The syntactic information is extracted by incorporating the inputsentence into the Graph Convolutional Network (GCN), and then the tag information encodedby BERT is interacted through a co-attention mechanism to obtain an interaction matrix. Subse-quently, NER is performed through boundary detection tasks and span classification tasks. Com-parative experiments with other methods are conducted on the BC5CDR and JNLPBA datasets,as well as the CCKS2017 dataset. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of themodel proposed in this paper.”
P-MNER: Cross Modal Correction Fusion Network with Prompt Learning for Multimodal Named Entity Recognitiong
Wang Zhuang
Zhang Yijia
An Kang
Zhou Xiaoying
Lu Mingyu
Lin Hongfei
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
“Multimodal Named Entity Recognition (MNER) is a challenging task in social mediadue to the combination of text and image features. Previous MNER work has focused onpredicting entity information after fusing visual and text features. However, pre-traininglanguage models have already acquired vast amounts of knowledge during their pre-training process. To leverage this knowledge, we propose a prompt network for MNERtasks (P-MNER).To minimize the noise generated by irrelevant areas in the image, wedesign a visual feature extraction model (FRR) based on FasterRCNN and ResNet, whichuses fine-grained visual features to assist MNER tasks. Moreover, we introduce a textcorrection fusion module (TCFM) into the model to address visual bias during modalfusion. We employ the idea of a residual network to modify the fused features using theoriginal text features. Our experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that ourproposed model outperforms existing MNER methods. P-MNER’s ability to leveragepre-training knowledge from language models, incorporate fine-grained visual features,and correct for visual bias, makes it a promising approach for multimodal named entityrecognition in social media posts.”
Adversarial Network with External Knowledge for Zero-Shot Stance Detection
Wang Chunling
Zhang Yijia
Yu Xingyu
Liu Guantong
Chen Fei
Lin Hongfei
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
“Zero-shot stance detection intends to detect previously unseen targets’ stances in the testingphase. However, achieving this goal can be difficult, as it requires minimizing the domain trans-fer between different targets, and improving the model’s inference and generalization abilities. To address this challenge, we propose an adversarial network with external knowledge (ANEK)model. Specifically, we adopt adversarial learning based on pre-trained models to learn transfer-able knowledge from the source targets, thereby enabling the model to generalize well to unseentargets. Additionally, we incorporate sentiment information and common sense knowledge intothe contextual representation to further enhance the model’s understanding. Experimental re-sults on several datasets reveal that our method achieves excellent performance, demonstratingits validity and feasibility.”