Pretrain-Finetune Based Training of Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems in a Real-World Setting
Manisha Srivastava
Yichao Lu
Riley Peschon
Chenyang Li
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Industry Papers
One main challenge in building task-oriented dialogue systems is the limited amount of supervised training data available. In this work, we present a method for training retrieval-based dialogue systems using a small amount of high-quality, annotated data and a larger, unlabeled dataset. We show that pretraining using unlabeled data can bring better model performance with a 31% boost in Recall@1 compared with no pretraining. The proposed finetuning technique based on a small amount of high-quality, annotated data resulted in 26% offline and 33% online performance improvement in Recall@1 over the pretrained model. The model is deployed in an agent-support application and evaluated on live customer service contacts, providing additional insights into the real-world implications compared with most other publications in the domain often using asynchronous transcripts (e.g. Reddit data). The high performance of 74% Recall@1 shown in the customer service example demonstrates the effectiveness of this pretrain-finetune approach in dealing with the limited supervised data challenge.
Goal-Oriented End-to-End Conversational Models with Profile Features in a Real-World Setting
Yichao Lu
Manisha Srivastava
Jared Kramer
Heba Elfardy
Andrea Kahn
Song Wang
Vikas Bhardwaj
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 2 (Industry Papers)
End-to-end neural models for goal-oriented conversational systems have become an increasingly active area of research, though results in real-world settings are few. We present real-world results for two issue types in the customer service domain. We train models on historical chat transcripts and test on live contacts using a human-in-the-loop research platform. Additionally, we incorporate customer profile features to assess their impact on model performance. We experiment with two approaches for response generation: (1) sequence-to-sequence generation and (2) template ranking. To test our models, a customer service agent handles live contacts and at each turn we present the top four model responses and allow the agent to select (and optionally edit) one of the suggestions or to type their own. We present results for turn acceptance rate, response coverage, and edit rate based on approximately 600 contacts, as well as qualitative analysis on patterns of turn rejection and edit behavior. Top-4 turn acceptance rate across all models ranges from 63%-80%. Our results suggest that these models are promising for an agent-support application.
Bingo at IJCNLP-2017 Task 4: Augmenting Data using Machine Translation for Cross-linguistic Customer Feedback Classification
Heba Elfardy
Manisha Srivastava
Wei Xiao
Jared Kramer
Tarun Agarwal
Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2017, Shared Tasks
The ability to automatically and accurately process customer feedback is a necessity in the private sector. Unfortunately, customer feedback can be one of the most difficult types of data to work with due to the sheer volume and variety of services, products, languages, and cultures that comprise the customer experience. In order to address this issue, our team built a suite of classifiers trained on a four-language, multi-label corpus released as part of the shared task on “Customer Feedback Analysis” at IJCNLP 2017. In addition to standard text preprocessing, we translated each dataset into each other language to increase the size of the training datasets. Additionally, we also used word embeddings in our feature engineering step. Ultimately, we trained classifiers using Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks. Overall, we achieved a Macro-Average F-score between 48.7% and 56.0% for the four languages and ranked 3/12 for English, 3/7 for Spanish, 1/8 for French, and 2/7 for Japanese.