María-Teresa Martín-Valdivia

Also published as: María Teresa Martín Valdivia


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SINAI at BioLaySumm: Self-Play Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models for Biomedical Lay Summarisation
Mariia Chizhikova | Manuel Carlos Díaz-Galiano | L. Alfonso Ureña-López | María-Teresa Martín-Valdivia
Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing

An effective disclosure of scientific knowledge and advancements to the general public is often hindered by the complexity of the technical language used in research which often results very difficult, if not impossible, for non-experts to understand. In this paper we present the approach developed by the SINAI team as the result of our participation in BioLaySumm shared task hosted by the BioNLP workshop at ACL 2024. Our approach stems from the experimentation we performed in order to test the ability of state-of-the-art pre-trained large language models, namely GPT 3.5, GPT 4 and Llama-3, to tackle this task in a few-shot manner. In order to improve this baseline, we opted for fine-tuning Llama-3 by applying parameter-efficient methodologies. The best performing system which resulted from applying self-play fine tuning method which allows the model to improve while learning to distinguish between its own generations from the previous step from the gold standard summaries. This approach achieved 0.4205 ROUGE-1 score and 0.8583 BERTScore.

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CONAN-MT-SP: A Spanish Corpus for Counternarrative Using GPT Models
María Estrella Vallecillo Rodríguez | Maria Victoria Cantero Romero | Isabel Cabrera De Castro | Arturo Montejo Ráez | María Teresa Martín Valdivia
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

This paper describes the automated generation of CounterNarratives (CNs) for Hate Speech (HS) in Spanish using GPT-based models. Our primary objective is to evaluate the performance of these models in comparison to human capabilities. For this purpose, the English CONAN Multitarget corpus is taken as a starting point and we use the DeepL API to automatically translate into Spanish. Two GPT-based models, GPT-3 and GPT-4, are applied to the HS segment through a few-shot prompting strategy to generate a new CN. As a consequence of our research, we have created a high quality corpus in Spanish that includes the original HS-CN pairs translated into Spanish, in addition to the CNs generated automatically with the GPT models and that have been evaluated manually. The resulting CONAN-MT-SP corpus and its evaluation will be made available to the research community, representing the most extensive linguistic resource of CNs in Spanish to date. The results demonstrate that, although the effectiveness of GPT-4 outperforms GPT-3, both models can be used as systems to automatically generate CNs to combat the HS. Moreover, these models consistently outperform human performance in most instances.

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MentalRiskES: A New Corpus for Early Detection of Mental Disorders in Spanish
Alba M. Mármol Romero | Adrián Moreno Muñoz | Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco | M. Dolores Molina González | María Teresa Martín Valdivia | L. Alfonso Ureña-López | Arturo Montejo Ráez
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

With mental health issues on the rise on the Web, especially among young people, there is a growing need for effective identification and intervention. In this paper, we introduce a new open-sourced corpus for the early detection of mental disorders in Spanish, focusing on eating disorders, depression, and anxiety. It consists of user messages posted on groups within the Telegram message platform and contains over 1,300 subjects with more than 45,000 messages posted in different public Telegram groups. This corpus has been manually annotated via crowdsourcing and is prepared for its use in several Natural Language Processing tasks including text classification and regression tasks. The samples in the corpus include both text and time data. To provide a benchmark for future research, we conduct experiments on text classification and regression by using state-of-the-art transformer-based models.


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SHARE: A Lexicon of Harmful Expressions by Spanish Speakers
Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco | Ana Belén Parras Portillo | Pilar López Úbeda | Beatriz Gil | María-Teresa Martín-Valdivia
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

In this paper we present SHARE, a new lexical resource with 10,125 offensive terms and expressions collected from Spanish speakers. We retrieve this vocabulary using an existing chatbot developed to engage a conversation with users and collect insults via Telegram, named Fiero. This vocabulary has been manually labeled by five annotators obtaining a kappa coefficient agreement of 78.8%. In addition, we leverage the lexicon to release the first corpus in Spanish for offensive span identification research named OffendES_spans. Finally, we show the utility of our resource as an interpretability tool to explain why a comment may be considered offensive.

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Empathy and Distress Prediction using Transformer Multi-output Regression and Emotion Analysis with an Ensemble of Supervised and Zero-Shot Learning Models
Flor Miriam Del Arco | Jaime Collado-Montañez | L. Alfonso Ureña | María-Teresa Martín-Valdivia
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis

This paper describes the participation of the SINAI research group at WASSA 2022 (Empathy and Personality Detection and Emotion Classification). Specifically, we participate in Track 1 (Empathy and Distress predictions) and Track 2 (Emotion classification). We conducted extensive experiments developing different machine learning solutions in line with the state of the art in Natural Language Processing. For Track 1, a Transformer multi-output regression model is proposed. For Track 2, we aim to explore recent techniques based on Zero-Shot Learning models including a Natural Language Inference model and GPT-3, using them in an ensemble manner with a fine-tune RoBERTa model. Our team ranked 2nd in the first track and 3rd in the second track.

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Natural Language Inference Prompts for Zero-shot Emotion Classification in Text across Corpora
Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco | María-Teresa Martín-Valdivia | Roman Klinger
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Within textual emotion classification, the set of relevant labels depends on the domain and application scenario and might not be known at the time of model development. This conflicts with the classical paradigm of supervised learning in which the labels need to be predefined. A solution to obtain a model with a flexible set of labels is to use the paradigm of zero-shot learning as a natural language inference task, which in addition adds the advantage of not needing any labeled training data. This raises the question how to prompt a natural language inference model for zero-shot learning emotion classification. Options for prompt formulations include the emotion name anger alone or the statement “This text expresses anger”. With this paper, we analyze how sensitive a natural language inference-based zero-shot-learning classifier is to such changes to the prompt under consideration of the corpus: How carefully does the prompt need to be selected? We perform experiments on an established set of emotion datasets presenting different language registers according to different sources (tweets, events, blogs) with three natural language inference models and show that indeed the choice of a particular prompt formulation needs to fit to the corpus. We show that this challenge can be tackled with combinations of multiple prompts. Such ensemble is more robust across corpora than individual prompts and shows nearly the same performance as the individual best prompt for a particular corpus.


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OffendES: A New Corpus in Spanish for Offensive Language Research
Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco | Arturo Montejo-Ráez | L. Alfonso Ureña-López | María-Teresa Martín-Valdivia
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)

Offensive language detection and analysis has become a major area of research in Natural Language Processing. The freedom of participation in social media has exposed online users to posts designed to denigrate, insult or hurt them according to gender, race, religion, ideology, or other personal characteristics. Focusing on young influencers from the well-known social platforms of Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, we have collected a corpus composed of 47,128 Spanish comments manually labeled on offensive pre-defined categories. A subset of the corpus attaches a degree of confidence to each label, so both multi-class classification and multi-output regression studies are possible. In this paper, we introduce the corpus, discuss its building process, novelties, and some preliminary experiments with it to serve as a baseline for the research community.


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Detecting Negation Cues and Scopes in Spanish
Salud María Jiménez-Zafra | Roser Morante | Eduardo Blanco | María Teresa Martín Valdivia | L. Alfonso Ureña López
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

In this work we address the processing of negation in Spanish. We first present a machine learning system that processes negation in Spanish. Specifically, we focus on two tasks: i) negation cue detection and ii) scope identification. The corpus used in the experimental framework is the SFU Corpus. The results for cue detection outperform state-of-the-art results, whereas for scope detection this is the first system that performs the task for Spanish. Moreover, we provide a qualitative error analysis aimed at understanding the limitations of the system and showing which negation cues and scopes are straightforward to predict automatically, and which ones are challenging.