Masayuki Otani
Designing Multilingual Interactive Agents using Small Dialogue Corpora
Donghui Lin
Masayuki Otani
Ryosuke Okuno
Toru Ishida
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Interactive dialogue agents like smart speakers have become more and more popular in recent years. These agents are being developed on machine learning technologies that use huge amounts of language resources. However, many entities in specialized fields are struggling to develop their own interactive agents due to a lack of language resources such as dialogue corpora, especially when the end users need interactive agents that offer multilingual support. Therefore, we aim at providing a general design framework for multilingual interactive agents in specialized domains that, it is assumed, have small or non-existent dialogue corpora. To achieve our goal, we first integrate and customize external language services for supporting multilingual functions of interactive agents. Then, we realize context-aware dialogue generation under the situation of small corpora. Third, we develop a gradual design process for acquiring dialogue corpora and improving the interactive agents. We implement a multilingual interactive agent in the field of healthcare and conduct experiments to illustrate the effectiveness of the implemented agent.
Combining Human Inputters and Language Services to provide Multi-language support system for International Symposiums
Takao Nakaguchi
Masayuki Otani
Toshiyuki Takasaki
Toru Ishida
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Worldwide Language Service Infrastructure and Second Workshop on Open Infrastructures and Analysis Frameworks for Human Language Technologies (WLSI/OIAF4HLT2016)
In this research, we introduce and implement a method that combines human inputters and machine translators. When the languages of the participants vary widely, the cost of simultaneous translation becomes very high. However, the results of simply applying machine translation to speech text do not have the quality that is needed for real use. Thus, we propose a method that people who understand the language of the speaker cooperate with a machine translation service in support of multilingualization by the co-creation of value. We implement a system with this method and apply it to actual presentations. While the quality of direct machine translations is 1.84 (fluency) and 2.89 (adequacy), the system has corresponding values of 3.76 and 3.85.