Mohammad Shokri


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Subjectivity Detection in English News using Large Language Models
Mohammad Shokri | Vivek Sharma | Elena Filatova | Shweta Jain | Sarah Levitan
Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment, & Social Media Analysis

Trust in media has reached a historical low as consumers increasingly doubt the credibility of the news they encounter. This growing skepticism is exacerbated by the prevalence of opinion-driven articles, which can influence readers’ beliefs to align with the authors’ viewpoints. In response to this trend, this study examines the expression of opinions in news by detecting subjective and objective language. We conduct an analysis of the subjectivity present in various news datasets and evaluate how different language models detect subjectivity and generalize to out-of-distribution data. We also investigate the use of in-context learning (ICL) within large language models (LLMs) and propose a straightforward prompting method that outperforms standard ICL and chain-of-thought (CoT) prompts.

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Is It Safe to Tell Your Story? Towards Achieving Privacy for Sensitive Narratives
Mohammad Shokri | Allison Bishop | Sarah Ita Levitan
Proceedings of the The 6th Workshop on Narrative Understanding

Evolving tools for narrative analysis present an opportunity to identify common structure in stories that are socially important to tell, such as stories of survival from domestic abuse. A greater structural understanding of such stories could lead to stronger protections against de-anonymization, as well as future tools to help survivors navigate the complex trade-offs inherent in trying to tell their stories safely. In this work we explore narrative patterns within a small set of domestic violence stories, identifying many similarities. We then propose a method to assess the safety of sharing a story based on a distance feature vector.


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GC-Hunter at ImageArg Shared Task: Multi-Modal Stance and Persuasiveness Learning
Mohammad Shokri | Sarah Ita Levitan
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Argument Mining

With the rising prominence of social media, users frequently supplement their written content with images. This trend has brought about new challenges in automatic processing of social media messages. In order to fully understand the meaning of a post, it is necessary to capture the relationship between the image and the text. In this work we address the two main objectives of the ImageArg shared task. Firstly, we aim to determine the stance of a multi-modal tweet toward a particular issue. We propose a strong baseline, fine-tuning transformer based models on concatenation of tweet text and image text. The second goal is to predict the impact of an image on the persuasiveness of the text in a multi-modal tweet. To capture the persuasiveness of an image, we train vision and language models on the data and explore other sets of features merged with the model, to enhance prediction power. Ultimately, both of these goals contribute toward the broader aim of understanding multi-modal messages on social media and how images and texts relate to each other.