Momose Oyama
Understanding Higher-Order Correlations Among Semantic Components in Embeddings
Momose Oyama
Hiroaki Yamagiwa
Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) offers interpretable semantic components of embeddings.While ICA theory assumes that embeddings can be linearly decomposed into independent components, real-world data often do not satisfy this assumption. Consequently, non-independencies remain between the estimated components, which ICA cannot eliminate. We quantified these non-independencies using higher-order correlations and demonstrated that when the higher-order correlation between two components is large, it indicates a strong semantic association between them, along with many words sharing common meanings with both components. The entire structure of non-independencies was visualized using a maximum spanning tree of semantic components. These findings provide deeper insights into embeddings through ICA.
Norm of Word Embedding Encodes Information Gain
Momose Oyama
Sho Yokoi
Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Distributed representations of words encode lexical semantic information, but what type of information is encoded and how? Focusing on the skip-gram with negative-sampling method, we found that the squared norm of static word embedding encodes the information gain conveyed by the word; the information gain is defined by the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the co-occurrence distribution of the word to the unigram distribution. Our findings are explained by the theoretical framework of the exponential family of probability distributions and confirmed through precise experiments that remove spurious correlations arising from word frequency. This theory also extends to contextualized word embeddings in language models or any neural networks with the softmax output layer. We also demonstrate that both the KL divergence and the squared norm of embedding provide a useful metric of the informativeness of a word in tasks such as keyword extraction, proper-noun discrimination, and hypernym discrimination.
Discovering Universal Geometry in Embeddings with ICA
Hiroaki Yamagiwa
Momose Oyama
Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
This study utilizes Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to unveil a consistent semantic structure within embeddings of words or images. Our approach extracts independent semantic components from the embeddings of a pre-trained model by leveraging anisotropic information that remains after the whitening process in Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We demonstrate that each embedding can be expressed as a composition of a few intrinsic interpretable axes and that these semantic axes remain consistent across different languages, algorithms, and modalities. The discovery of a universal semantic structure in the geometric patterns of embeddings enhances our understanding of the representations in embeddings.