Muhan Zhang


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RulE: Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Rule Embedding
Xiaojuan Tang | Song-Chun Zhu | Yitao Liang | Muhan Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Knowledge graph reasoning is an important problem for knowledge graphs. In this paper, we propose a novel and principled framework called RulE (stands for Rule Embedding) to effectively leverage logical rules to enhance KG reasoning. Unlike knowledge graph embedding methods, RulE learns rule embeddings from existing triplets and first-order rules by jointly representing entities, relations and logical rules in a unified embedding space. Based on the learned rule embeddings, a confidence score can be calculated for each rule, reflecting its consistency with the observed triplets. This allows us to perform logical rule inference in a soft way, thus alleviating the brittleness of logic. On the other hand, RulE injects prior logical rule information into the embedding space, enriching and regularizing the entity/relation embeddings. This makes KGE alone perform better too. RulE is conceptually simple and empirically effective. We conduct extensive experiments to verify each component of RulE.Results on multiple benchmarks reveal that our model outperforms the majority of existing embedding-based and rule-based approaches.

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LooGLE: Can Long-Context Language Models Understand Long Contexts?
Jiaqi Li | Mengmeng Wang | Zilong Zheng | Muhan Zhang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) are typically limited to processing texts within context window size, which has spurred significant research efforts into enhancing LLMs’ long-context understanding as well as developing high-quality benchmarks to evaluate the ability. However, prior datasets suffer from short comings like short length compared to the context window of modern LLMs; outdated documents that might have data leakage problems; and an emphasis on short dependency tasks only. In this paper, we present LooGLE , a Long Context Generic Language Evaluation benchmark. It features documents post-2022, with over 24,000 tokens per document and 6,000 newly generated questions spanning varying dependency ranges in diverse domains. Human annotators meticulously crafted over 1,100 high-quality question-answer (QA) pairs with thorough cross-validation for a most precise assessment of LLMs’ long dependency capabilities. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of representative LLMs on LooGLE . The results indicate that most LLMs have shockingly bad long context ability and fail to capture long dependencies in the context, even when their context window size is enough to fit the entire document. Our results shed light on enhancing the “true long-context understanding” ability of LLMs instead of merely enlarging their context window.