Oladipo Ositelu
Talla at SemEval-2018 Task 7: Hybrid Loss Optimization for Relation Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks
Bhanu Pratap
Daniel Shank
Oladipo Ositelu
Byron Galbraith
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
This paper describes our approach to SemEval-2018 Task 7 – given an entity-tagged text from the ACL Anthology corpus, identify and classify pairs of entities that have one of six possible semantic relationships. Our model consists of a convolutional neural network leveraging pre-trained word embeddings, unlabeled ACL-abstracts, and multiple window sizes to automatically learn useful features from entity-tagged sentences. We also experiment with a hybrid loss function, a combination of cross-entropy loss and ranking loss, to boost the separation in classification scores. Lastly, we include WordNet-based features to further improve the performance of our model. Our best model achieves an F1(macro) score of 74.2 and 84.8 on subtasks 1.1 and 1.2, respectively.