Oren Glickman
Direct Word Sense Matching for Lexical Substitution
Ido Dagan
Oren Glickman
Alfio Gliozzo
Efrat Marmorshtein
Carlo Strapparava
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Lexical Reference: a Semantic Matching Subtask
Oren Glickman
Eyal Shnarch
Ido Dagan
Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Investigating Lexical Substitution Scoring for Subtitle Generation
Oren Glickman
Ido Dagan
Walter Daelemans
Mikaela Keller
Samy Bengio
Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-X)
A Probabilistic Setting and Lexical Coocurrence Model for Textual Entailment
Oren Glickman
Ido Dagan
Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Empirical Modeling of Semantic Equivalence and Entailment
Definition and Analysis of Intermediate Entailment Levels
Roy Bar-Haim
Idan Szpektor
Oren Glickman
Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Empirical Modeling of Semantic Equivalence and Entailment
Using Context in Machine Translation of Spoken Language
Lori Levin
Oren Glickman
Yan Qu
Carolyn P. Rose
Donna Gates
Alon Lavie
Alex Waibel
Carol Van Ess-Dykema
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages
- Ido Dagan 4
- Roy Bar-Haim 1
- Samy Bengio 1
- Walter Daelemans 1
- Donna Gates 1
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